Part 4

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"You are quiet. What are you thinking?" Lisbon asked Jane as they left the elevator and walked to the bullpen.

"About the case. It troubles me the position of the woman. Why did he put her in front of her computer? And I guess the forensic will come clean from sexual insult." Jane respond lightly.

"Maybe. What's your point?" Lisbon asked curious.

"Whoever did it, enjoyed it. He let her in front of the computer and went to his house and continued to watch her. The computer was still on when we arrived. I bet he was watching her until the police came."

"That's Creepy. Why would he do it? " Lisbon asked confused.

"I don't know. But I think we will have another victim soon." Jane replied serious.

"Or maybe not. The killer may be someone from her close environment. This moment we don't have anything to prove it otherwise. We must look at our victim and her life." Lisbon said calm.

"And what are we doing now?"

"We wait the results of her autopsy and fingerprints and DNA from the crime scene. I asked Van Pen to check her computer and Cho and you will have a second interview with the sister." Lisbon respond and opened the door of her office and sat behind her desk.

"Okay. Do I have a space to work?" Jane asked smiling and sat at the chair ahead of the desk.

"You can use the desk on the corner of the bullpen." Lisbon exhaled and Jane turned his head to look.

"Meh, too cold. I prefer to stay here with you." Jane respond calm and grabbed a picture frame from the desk and examined it. "Is she your daughter?" He asked gentle.

"Yes. Her name is Charlotte." Lisbon replied and smiled at the picture.

"She is beautiful. She takes after you. The only difference is her blond hair. How old is she?"

"Almost six."

"And her father? What did it happen to him?" Jane asked curious.

"He died when Charlotte was baby. Car crush. He lost the control of his car and hit a tree. " Lisbon respond sad.

"I'm sorry. It must be painful. "

"It was. Thanks." Lisbon said calm looking at him.

"And I'm sorry about going behind your back. I just needed a way to come closer to you." Jane said softly.

"But why? I'm sure being rich and famous like you, you will have a lots of women." Lisbon stated making Jane chuckled.

"I may have. It doesn't mean I date them." Jane respond and Lisbon raised an eyebrow to him.

"So, I was right. You take advantage of them and then you dump them once you slept with them." Lisbon remarked and Jane let a sarcastic laugh.

"I'm not so bad Lisbon. I never promise anything before I sleep with them. Is it bad to want to have some fun?" Jane questioned her.

"I guess not. But why do you want to date me?"

"Why not?"

"I am workaholic, a mother and I don't have your life style." Lisbon stated

"That's not a reason to not be attractive from you. Why don't you give me a chance?"

"I don't want to be hurt again." Lisbon said upset. "If you are so interested in me, you can try be my friend first. You never know what will happen. "

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