Part 3

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 I hope you like this chapter. It starts with the new case. More soon :)

The same night in a different place in California:

A young woman entered to her apartment. She looked exhausted and let a groan of tiredness. She opened her computer and went to her room and changed her clothes. Some minutes later she heard her a sound of her computer. She went and smiled to it. She sat at her chair in front of her computer and wore her headphones. She clicked and began to talk.

"Hi. I wish I could find you inside. Won't you open your camera? Nice shirt." she said as the conversation began smiling. Before she got a answer her bell rang and she excused herself polite to leave.

She went to opened the door and she said:

"You again? Go away. I will call the police".

The next morning:

Patrick Jane woke up early and stood in front of his mirror fixing his hair and clothes. He was angry with Lisbon and he wasn't used to be deny what he wanted. No woman was exception and certainly this woman. She wasn't his usual type. He preferred blond and tall but this brunette made something inside him. Her emerald eyes and her small attitude made him stared at her last night. He would get fun from her. He knew she would be a dynamite in bed and he shivered at the thought. No, he hadn't any romantic feelings for her, he only wanted to win the bet and get revenge about her behavior the previous night.

Winning a woman's heart was easy. Love and affection. Those are what every woman needs. He was used to pretend the good guy and gain the trust. Teresa Lisbon had no chance against the master. He grinned to himself on the mirror and added some of his expensive cologne. He was ready to leave when his bell rang and went to open the door.

"Hey, Patty. You are up early." his agent said and entered in the house without invitation. "Or didn't you sleep at all?" he continued and winked at Jane.

"No, I slept alone. What do you want here?" Jane asked closing the door and walked to the kitchen to make tea.

"I came to learn about yesterday. So, did you meet her? " Matt asked curious.

"Unfortunately yes. She is a tough one. It seems Kristina tried to mess up with her job and now She hates people like her or me." Jane replied and took a sip.

"That's sound serious. Do you have a plan?" Matt asked worried and Jane smirked to him.

"Don't worry. It's all settled. I approached yesterday her boss. Someone named Minelli and I offered my service to CBI. I start today on her unit. " Jane respond proudly.

"He accepted so easily?" Matt asked disbelief.

"No. I will work for pennies. And I have to sign a document that I refuse to make public my interface with them." Jane scoffed.

"And Mrs. Lisbon is ok with it?"

"She doesn't know it yet. Minelli will inform her when I arrive at his office. "

"What are your thoughts about her? Do you like her? I heard she is a beautiful woman." Matt said amused.

"She is fine. Nothing too special. I will go to enjoy it with her."

"What do you mean?"

"She thinks she knows me that she is better than me. She is a nothing. I don't like to abandon me. I am the one who abandon women. Not them. This is more than the bet. This is about gaining the game. I will break her. I will make her love me so much and then abandon her with the most cruel way." Jane said serious. "The game just begin my friend. And little Teresa will lost."

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