Part 9

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Lisbon arrived late at night at her home. She played with Charlotte and watched television together and then she went to her bed. Lisbon stayed awake thinking about tomorrow. She putted a glass of wine and sat on the couch with a sigh.

"Someone can't sleep tonight it seems." Angela spoke as she entered the house. "What's going on?" she continued and sat beside Lisbon.

"It's about work. Tomorrow I have to stand in front of a camera with my coworkers to watch and flirt with strangers." Lisbon exhaled heavily.

"Okay. I don't know what it means." Angela replied frown.

"It's about a case. Our killer finds his victims through a date site. His victims are same with me. Similar age, brunettes, alone woman and small. " Lisbon explained softly and took a big sip of her wine.

"And you will try to find him. To talk with him. Identify him " Angela said serious.

"Yeah. I try to find someone from the undercover unit to replace me but I failed. There is no one available this moment." Lisbon said casual.

"And you have to do it now. Actually I don't think it's a bad idea." Angela responded serious.

"What?" Lisbon asked puzzled.

"Well, first, it will help you to find your killer and second it will be good for you. You will get out of your comfort zone. " Angela replied calm.

"I can't believe I take date advices from my sister in law." Lisbon mocked her.

"Someone must talk to you about it." she responded casual. "You need to get out there someday. And in my opinion you need someone to remind that you are not only a mother and a cop. You are more than it." Angela said and stood up to leave.

"Angela? I don't know how late I will finish tomorrow. Do you mind take Charlotte with you ?" Lisbon asked her before she left the room.

"Not at all. I will take her with me at the group study. I will call you to inform you." Angela replied with a small smile. "Good night Teresa." she continued and went upstairs.

Lisbon stayed there drinking one more glass of wine. When she felt more relaxed, she went back to her bed and slept immediately.

The next day Lisbon didn't make her usual preparation to go to work. She wore a nice white dress, she applied some makeup and wore earrings. If she wanted to lure the killer, she had to look like a ordinary woman and not scream cop from miles.

Lisbon arrived at work and she felt awkward and she already was the center of the attention. She could heard the whispers around her and some guys winked and whistled to her. As the door of the elevator closed on her floor, she let a sigh and went to the bullpen. Her heart pounded fast from the nervous and she greeted everyone with her usual professional voice.

"Good morning boss." Van Pelt said and stayed speechless for a while. "You look good." the agent continued with a smile.

Cho and Rigsby couldn't stop looking at her, admiring her, trying not to bring her in a difficult position.

Jane who was sitting on the couch at the edge of the room with a cup of tea in his hands, stood up from the couch abandoned his tea on the table and approached her slowly appreciating the view. His eyes ran from head to toe and Lisbon thought that she saw his eyes darkened.

"I thought I should wear something nice and not my usual work clothes." Lisbon said trying to stay steady.

"I don't think anyone will resist you." Jane said softly getting closer to Lisbon.

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