Part 15

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Author's note: Case is closed. And more Jisbon. Don't hate me for the cliffhanger on the end :)

"Do you anything to do tonight?" Jane asked Lisbon.

"No. Why?" Lisbon replied curious.

"Do you remember when I told you I had an appointment two days ago?" Jane replied and Lisbon nodded "Well, I want you to show you something tonight. It won't take much time." Jane added.

"So mysterious. Fine." Lisbon said with a smile and went back to her office.

"Do we have a new lead on our case?" Jane asked from the door.

"Unfortunately no. We are stuck." Lisbon said with a groan.

"I was thinking about it last night." Jane said and had her attention. "There is one person who could have motive."

"Really? Who?" Lisbon asked serious.

"Ricardo Tyson's wife. What if she knew about Adrianna?" Jane responded calm.

"She would have been pissed. But why would she wait ? She would have reacted from the beginning." Lisbon said skeptically.

"She may found it recently. Adrianna was fine until two weeks ago. She stayed inside on her apartment. Something or someone may spooked her. " Jane continued his thought.

"It's not impossible theory but it's still weak." Lisbon replied

"Better than nothing." Jane responded softly.

"Fine, I will ask Cho to run a research to her." Lisbon agreed and went to bullpen to find the team.

Cho and Rigsby searched her phone records and her financials. Van Pelt looked at her life the last nine months. Around three the team gathered around the big table and updated Lisbon.

"Her financials were clear. But we found something strange on her phone records. Two and half weeks ago, she contacted with a private investigator. We contacted with him. It was not easy to make him talk but we may blackmail him a little." Cho said coldly.

"And did you find something relative with our case?" Lisbon asked

"Yes boss." Rigsby answered. "She asked him to find a address. She was searching Adrianna."

"And I have something too." Van Pelt interrupted them and click the remote. "This is from a coffee shop three weeks ago. Look." Van Pelt said and they looked at the television. They watched Adrianna to order food and a hot chocolate and then Mrs. Tyson to talk with her. Mrs. Tyson seemed anger and in rage with Adrianna.

"Cho, Rigsby go find Mrs. Tyson and bring her here. We need a talk with her." Lisbon ordered and stood up and left immediately.

Two hours later Jane and Lisbon were sitting across her on the interrogation room.

"Do you have any idea why are you here Mrs. Margaret Tyson?" Lisbon began

"No. And you waste my time." she snapped

"We investigate the murder of a woman named Adrianna Lockseak. Did you know her?" Lisbon continued

"No." she replied

"That's weird because we have you on camera to talk with her on a coffee shop." Lisbon said and showed her a photo but she stayed silent.

"Mrs. Tyson, where have you been two nights ago?" Lisbon asked serious

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