Part 6

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Lisbon gathered all the team and Jane for an update about the case around the large table in the bullpen.

"Our victim Amelia Tyson was member of a site named Date Online. She made her profile three weeks ago using the name Divorsed_alone." Van Pelt began and clicked on the television to show them the site.

"Date online?" Cho asked.

"Yes. It's a date site. You made a profile and then through a video camera you can communicate with other users. " Van Pelt explained.

"Amelia talked with the killer the night he died." Rigsby remarked.

"Can we find the profile with the name love_me?" Jane asked.

"That profile is not used anymore. " Van Pelt replied.

"Do you think there is a possibility our victim to give him her personal information? Like her address." Lisbon asked serious.

"Yes, it is possible." Van Pelt replied softly.

"Can we find his location?" Lisbon asked again.

"Every time you make connection with a site your computer let behind a protocol number. An IP number to the server. We can find it from the time he chatted with our victim but we need access to the server of the company." Van Pelt respond serious.

"When a member removed his account, can he create a new one?" Jane questioned Van Pelt.

"Of course. And with that way you can talk to the members of the site using another name profile." Van Pelt said plain.

"We also find fingerprints on the jacket we took from the sister." Rigsby told them and continued "They belong to someone named Maria Grayson. "

"To a woman?" Jane asked confused.

"Mrs. Grayson was in jail in 1997 for grand theft auto. " Rigsby respond serious.

"Perfect. Jane and I will go to talk to her. Cho and Van Pelt, try to get a warrant to see the data and the IP from the company. Rigsby, continue look at the past of the ex-husband and Mrs. Grayson. I want to know everything." Lisbon ordered and the team left telling 'Oh right Boss'.

Jane and Lisbon left the CBI and drove to the house where Mrs. Grayson lived. Lisbon knocked on the door and a blond woman in her forties answered and Lisbon showed to her the badge.

"Hello. I'm agent Teresa Lisbon and he is Patrick Jane. Can we come in and asked you some questions?" Lisbon asked polite.

"Of course. Please come in." she replied and they entered and went to the living room. Mrs. Grayson closed the door and went to them a little nervous.

"What is it about?" she asked gentle after she offered Jane a cup of tea and she sat down with Lisbon on the couch.

"Do you know that woman?" Lisbon asked calm and showed her a picture of Amelia.

"No. I haven't seen her before."

"Do you work somewhere?" Jane asked taking a sip.

"No, I don't" she respond composed.

"Why? You don't have any kids to take care." Jane remarked.

"After the prison, it was difficult for me to find a job. I got married two years ago and since then I lived here with my husband. My husband doesn't know about my time in jail."

"Is he here now?" Lisbon asked.

"No, he will come back soon from work."

"You don't have a problem to wait for him, right?" Lisbon asked softly.

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