Part 14

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Sorry about the delay but I wrote two stories about once upon a time. If you are a fan of that show, please check my profile and read them

Lisbon went early to office that day. She had tons of paperwork on her desk to finish. She prepared a cup of coffee and entered her office. She opened her computer and began to work. One hour later Van Pelt was the first to arrived. She said good morning to Lisbon and went to her desk. Lisbon asked her to search about their victim's life when she arrived to the USA.

Lisbon had finished one of her paperwork when she heard a knock on her door. When the door opened an old friend of hers appeared and Teresa stood up to greet him.

"Marcus, how are you?" Lisbon asked with a smile and nodded to him and he sat across Lisbon.

"I'm fine thank you. I can see you remain as beautiful as the last time I saw you." Pike said smiling.

"Thanks for the compliment. Did you come for business?" Lisbon asked gentle.

"Yeah but not with your team unfortunately. I work with Robinson's team. I came to see you and tell you a hi." Marcus replied softly.

"That was nice. " Lisbon responded friendly.

"I wonder if you are free for lunch. I will like you to accompany me. What do you think?" Pike asked her hopefully.

"I'll like it. You are a good friend of mine." Lisbon replied and she saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Perfect." he replied casually.

That moment the door opened and Jane entered. He looked at the strange man and back to Lisbon. He walked close to her making a point on the man in front of him.

"Marcus, I'll like to introduce you our new consultant Mr. Patrick Jane." Lisbon said and the two men exchanged headshaking.

"Jane, this is Marcus Pike. He is a FBI agent. He works at the art departure." Lisbon explained.

"Art department? How does it fit with our case?" Jane asked

"It doesn't. Marcus is a friend. We worked together before some months. He came to see us." Lisbon explained calm.

"Ah, I see." Jane replied with a low voice looking at Pike.

"Anyway, I have to go." Pike said and stood up. "I will see you at lunch Teresa." he continued and left with a last glance at Jane who had his hand on Lisbon's shoulder.

"So, you and Pike." Jane said sarcastically.

"Me and Pike what?" Lisbon asked puzzled.

"Did you have a fling with that guy?" Jane asked serious.

"What?" Lisbon asked weird and Jane could see there was nothing between them.

"Nothing. Forget it." he responded softly.

They stayed silent until Cho and Rigsby arrived to CBI. Lisbon had still a lot of paperwork to finish and asked Cho to take Jane and go to talk with the father of the baby Ricardo Tyson.

They arrived at the stadium where Ricardo Tyson had a rehearsal before his concert next Saturday. Cho showed his badge and they went inside. On stage they saw Tyson's ballet to dance under the guiding of his manager.

When he saw them, he stopped the dance and asked the girls for a an half hour break. Then he return to them and Cho began the questions.

"They told me you are police officers. What's going on?" he asked first polite

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