Chapter 3

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"What do you suggest we do Tess?"

"I don't know Chris. You've been with the slayers for a while, you should know the way they look for information."

Chris did join the slayers it's true, but he wants them to be destroyed, he never joined them for power, he joined them to have them eliminated.

"I could have them leave the state, if you can get some of Austin's DNA, I'll take it to Canada and mix it with a another persons DNA, if I do it right it should blend as one. The slayers would be drawn to that, but once they see that it's a regular human maybe they'll just leave the topic of finding Austin alone."

"It's worth a shot, I'll see what I can do."

"A small sample of his hair should work."

"I'll try to get some then. I'll be back later."

She leaves her cabin, and as she's walking out Ryan calls her.

"Tess. Can we go for a walk?"

"I'd love too, but I have to go talk to Austin, some other time."

"Just a small walk."

"No, sorry Ryan."

"Please Tess?"

"She said 'no' Ryan."

Nathan comes up behind him.

"Stay out of this Nathan."

"You heard Tess, she said 'no' just leave her alone."

"What are you going to do about it Nathan."

"Please don't fight. Not now."

"We found one!" Aaron comes running towards them.

"Found what?" Nathan asks.

"Goblin village."

"Really?!" Tess says excited.

"20 miles from here. Of course once we get there they're going to want something."

"Why not give them rubies and emeralds?"

"Ryan, those haven't been found around here for centuries."

"Well first time for everything. Who wants to come looking for them with me?" Tess asks enthusiastically.

"I will." Nathan and Ryan answer at the same time.

"I'll ask Austin to tag along. And Cara."

"Yeah okay." Aaron says while leaving that awkward situation.

Tess also leaves looking for her brother.

"Austin! Where are you?" She senses him close.

"Up here." He jumps down from a tree.

"What were you doing up there?"

"Nothing just looking out. What is it?"

"Aaron found a goblin village. 20 miles from the Academy."

"That's great!"

"We have to be miners and go looking for rubies and emeralds."

"Of course the goblins would want a payment for the drool."

They head back to the Academy, Tess was walking behind Austin and pulls 3 little hairs.

"Ow. Why did you do that?"

"You had something on your head."

"So you pulled my hair?"

"I didn't mean too."

"Alright let's hurry back." Austin says as he rubs his head.

Tess puts the little hairs in her jackets' pocket.

'Close one' she thinks to herself.

When they arrived back at the Academy, they told Hale, and he agreed they would go looking for the precious gems.

"So who's going where?"

"Obviously I'm going with my sister. We'll look for the village. Cara can come along too."

"Ryan, Matthew, and Aaron can start looking for the emeralds and rubies."

"What about Nathan?" asks Hale.

"He can stay here. Help keep watch with Ryder, Kristen, and Chloe."

"Sounds like a good plan. I suggest we get going soon then if we want to do this fast." Hale says to Tess.

"It's still early. So team Goblin; you, Cara, and Austin can start looking to where that goblin village might be, team Gems; Ryan, Aaron and Matthew can also start looking for some gems."

It sounded like a plan. Tess and Austin went to go tell the others. Cara was the first to mention something.

"Tess sounds like a good plan, but, what about Keith."

She'd forgotten about him.

"It's up to you Cara, if you want him to come along, stay to help guard the Academy, or let him stay to work more on his training. It's all up to you."

Cara, took some time thinking, and finally decided to have Keith stay and train some more. Before the Teams left to do their tasks, everyone went back to their cabins to get anything necessary. Tess went back to her cabin to meet Chris, and give him Austin's hairs.

"I really hope this works Chris."

"Don't worry Tess, I'm sure it will. Be careful and hopefully you find the village."

"Thanks Chris. You too don't get caught." They hugged each other and said goodbye.

Tess headed back to the training area to meet up with everyone so they could start their searching. So as Cara was giving Keith a hug she gave him a kiss which turned into a very awkward make-out session. It seemed like hours.

After those 2 had finally finished eating each others faces, like they weren't going to see each other again, the Teams decided to split up and go their ways. Cara gave Keith one last kiss and joined her team. They were off, one to search for the goblin village and the other to search for the rubies and emeralds.

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