Chapter 7

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Tess looks up and it's cloudy, with the moon nowhere in sight. The very beginning of December.

"Tess. Please talk to me."

"What is it Cara?"

"You're very pale and your eyes are a dark gray. What's going on?"

"Nothing I swear. Let's just please stay focused. You said they weren't far."

They continue to sit in silence. After a few minutes Tess is still focused on the sky.

*Tess' POV*


"It's snowing."


"It's starting to snow. Its too early to snow."

"They're here Tess."

There's only a few of them 15 maybe 18 in total. Both Cara and Tess stay hidden.

"Tess what's with you and Ryder?"


"You heard me."

"You're asking me this now?!"

"I just–"

A dagger flies by, barely missing Cara's nose. Her eyes instantly turn red and she heads straight for the slayer who threw it. He's dead within seconds. Another 3 hunters come out and fight with Cara. Once they finish those slayers, 20 more come in. Chris was among them.

I see him. He sees me.

I'm filled with rage. The person who warns about the attack is still fighting with the enemy. I run towards him, but as I get close my vision starts to get blurry. Things not clear.

He comes towards me and I try to back away. I can sense him getting closer. I can feel myself start to shake.


I hear Cara's muffled voice.

I can feel my body temperature rising, my bones aching as they are displaced for their usual location. I was changing.

Seeing Chris was the last straw in all of this mess. Seeing him hurt me again. I lost it. I was trying to fight the transformation and I didn't want it to happen. Everyone that was fighting stopped. All that was heard was my screams of pain.


I head a familiar voice.

'Let go completely. Trust me. Stop the fighting.'

It was Midnight.... Her voice calm and soothing. I did as she told me. I let go and the pain went away.

I opened my eyes and in the eyes of everyone I saw was awe and fear. I look down and see jet black paws.

More and more slayers came in.

The fighting resumed while I tried to stay clam. I saw Austin running towards me. He was so focused on me he didn't realize the slayer running towards him.

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