Chapter 4

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*Keith's POV*
I was bored out of my mind.

"Ugh why'd she have to tell me to stay here?" I said quietly, speaking to myself out of frustration.

"I know I need to train but I could've helped."

It had been maybe an hour since Cara and the others left, I stayed training just like I told Cara. I was forced to stay here. I had thought about just leaving here, but the last thing I needed was to get caught sneaking out. I needed to get out of here, to help them, but I didn't know how until an idea popped into my head. Moore. He would let me go if I could just convince him to. I left the training area and it was only about five minutes before I found Moore talking to Reyes and Hale.

"Headmaster Moore, may I have a moment?" I said as respectfully as I could. He nodded, and excused himself from the other headmasters.

"What is it that you need, Keith?" He asked me, and I respond

"I need you to let me catch up to Cara and the others. I can help them out there."

"Under normal circumstances, I would allow you to, but I was asked to be sure you didn't leave here"

He responded, and I sighed. Cara. Of course she would take precautions.

"I'll be sure it doesn't come back on you, Moore. If any questions are asked, I snuck out. I just need to go. I have a feeling something bad might happen."

He pondered my request for a moment, and said

"Okay. I will allow you to go but you must be careful out there, Keith."

"I will, Headmaster. Thank you."

I ran back to my dorm and in minutes, I was ready. I knew a shortcut, to catch up with Cara. I sprinted through the trees, but I felt eyes watching me. I just ignored it.

*Tess' POV*
"Cara c'mon. Keith will be fine."

"I know he will be, I'm just tired." I turn around to look at her.

"We've barely walked 2 miles and you're tired?" I look at her.

"Cara, when's the last time you went for a run?"

"I don't know, Austin."

"Sure you don't Cara, you've been to busy with Keith."

She blushes.

"Hey sorry Tess, it's—"


"Don't cut her off Austin it's not—"

"Be quiet!"

Okay now that's just rude.
But then I hear it. Branches.
I immediately take out my dagger.

We all turn around, about to throw, when we see that it's Keith.

"Keith!" Cara runs to hug him as if she hadn't seen him in years, calm down its only been 2 hours.

"I came to help."

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