Chapter 14

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"WAKE UP" Tess is awakened by metal banging against metal.

Her head was still foggy from the drugs wearing off.

"Rise and shine." Said a familiar voice. She looks up to see Edwin and standing beside him was Emily.

She tried to jump towards them, but quickly fell back down. She looked back at her feet and noticed the chains around her ankles.

"Nice to see you again Tess." Edwin said with a smirk

She looks back up at the two traitors of The Academy. "Can't say the same about seeing you, asshole."- she replied.

Emily goes up to slap Tess but Edwin grabs her wrist before she gets too close to Tess, taking Emily by surprise.

"Remember David's orders. He said no harm should come to her. So no slapping Emily."

Emily gets close to him and whispers "He also said don't let your feelings get in the way." She yanks her arm out of Edwins grip and walks out, leaving the two lycans alone in the cell.

"Brought you some water. You've been out for some time."

Tess looks at the waterskin Edwin offers with doubt.

"What's in it?"

"Oh, you know. A good mix of hydrogen and oxygen."

"Don't be a smart ass."

Edwin couldn't help but laugh a little.
"It's just water. Cold. Gotta make sure you stay hydrated." With hesitation Tess takes the waterskin and almost downs all the water in it. Who knows how long she'd been out, but she was parched more than anything.

"Thanks." She holds on to the waterskin and fidgets with its cap.

"We're not gonna hurt you. That's the last thing we want. We most certainly need you alive."

"Who the hell is 'we' Edwin? You and Emily?"

"David, Emily, me, and the Slayers. We just want you to stay alive. That's all."

"Yet, you sent Slayers to my so called mom, Elizabeth's house and tried to kill us."

Edwin smiled as he said- "Oh we didn't want to kill you. Just her. We couldn't have any witnesses. Unfortunately your friends were there. So then things got tricky and we had to get rid of all of them."

"Funny, don't you think? My friends got rid of your guys instead." His smile slowly disappeared from his face as he got serious and closer to Tess.

He grabbed the back of her hair and tugged slightly "Don't test me. I can very easily talk to David and have him change his mind about keeping you alive."

"Really? You're bluffing. You said it yourself, you need me alive, and you can't hurt me. You have to follow David's orders."

He let's go of her hair- "I've always liked and admired your ability to pay attention. You've always been a great listener and observer." Edwin starts to lean in to give her a kiss. Tess does the same but before their lips touch she whispers to him "Wish I could say the same about you."

She uses the waterskin as a weapon and hits him across the face. Catching Edwin completely off guard. She manages to get on top of him and punch him repeatedly with her bare hands and the waterskin. Once Edwin goes unconscious she gets the keys off of him and unlocks the chains from her ankles. Before she leaves the cell she put one of those chains on Edwin's ankle.

"What did I ever see in you?" Tess heads for the cell door and after a few tries gets the right key to unlock the door. She looks around outside, trying to decide which way to go. The fact that everything looked the same didn't help. Light gray concrete walls, dim cool tone lighting, and long hallways.

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