Chapter 6

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"Tess slow down!"

"No! Austin we need to hurry!"

Tess yells back at her brother.

Matthew, Aaron, Ryan, and Austin are all behind Tess hurrying back to the Academy.

'Damnit, Chris was right.' She thinks to herself.

"Ryan! Tell Ryder to go west of the training area, we'll meet him there, tell him to get Cara, Nathan, and anybody who'll go with him. We have to get to the weapons!"

Ryan does as Tess tells him to do.

"Matthew go up ahead. You're good at spotting any traps. Be careful."

Matthew starts to run faster until eventually he's out of sight, scouting ahead.

Why did I doubt Chris? UGH!

She lets out a growl and runs faster.
Ryan, Aaron, and Austin are still a few feet behind her.

"Ryder got the others, he also got a majority of the guards and hunters to go with him to the weapons shed."

"Thanks Ryan. Austin, tell Matthew to warn the headmasters."

"On it."


'Yes, Austin?'

'Warn the headmasters.'

'Already did.'

"Done Tess."

"Good, c'mon!"

They continue to run, within a couple of minutes they're all at the armory. Ryder is there with Nathan, Cara, Chloe, Kristen, and a the hunters and guards.

*Tess' POV*
Aaron went up to hug Chloe. Matthew went straight to Kristin who was his hunting partner and had his weapons ready. Nathan came up to me to give me a hug. I walk right past him.

"I'm sorry Nathan, but we need to get ready. We don't have long."

He seemed hurt. He ignored it and went to get his claw covers.

I saw that Ryder had my bow ready, so I walk towards him. He handed it to me and a quiver with plenty of arrows.

"You okay?" He asks full of concern.

"No, Ryder. A lot has been on my mind, I've been thinking about some things, and... I don't know why I'm telling you."

"It's okay. Tess, if you ever need to talk, I'm hear to listen. I may have been assigned your guard, but I'm also your friend."

He gives me a warm smile. I smile back, but I quickly snap back to reality.

"The slayers are coming. Do you have your crossbow ready?"

"Yeah, all set."


As we gather more daggers, I see even more hunters and guards coming in. I ask Ryder

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