Chapter 10

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"Excuse me?" Tess sits up.

"I'm not going to repeat myself Tess. You heard what I asked." Cara's tone turns serious.

"It was no one you should be worried about." She walks to the door.

"Don't you dare lie." Tess turns around.

"What do you want Cara?"

"Tess, I'm good with faces and smells. I was face-to-face with Keith's killer, and I can't forget his scent."

"Are you saying that you saw Keith's killer again?"

"Stop it!" Tess steps back at Cara's sudden outburst.

"What is it then!? Just say it!"

Cara takes a moment to ask.

"Did you take any part in Keith's death?"

"What?! No!" Tess couldn't believe her best friend would ask such a question.

"I don't believe you Tess."


"I saw him. He was coming out of your cabin!" Cara raises her tone again.

"That doesn't mean I had something to do with Keith's death."

"That's kind of hard to believe."

"Well believe it, because I didn't."

"Really? Why were you the only one that slayer didn't put to sleep?" 

"Because he paralyzed me!"

"Why only you? So you could help?!"

"Cara please! I've never and would never have a reason to hurt you, or Keith!"

Cara gets frustrated and throws Tess' bedside lamp to the wall.

"Then why was he leaving your cabin?!" Her eyes go red and it sends chills of fear through Tess.


"'Because' isn't a reason."

Tess hesitated on telling her best friend. So she decided to tell half the truth. Tess herself didn't even know was a lie that Chris told her.

"He's Matthew's brother. They were separated just like Austin and I. He's just trying to look out for him."

"He killed Keith..."

"He didn't have a choice! If he wanted to convince the Slayers he had to prove himself."

"With murder?!"

"I don't know Cara! Maybe that was the only way, we don't know how the slayers initiate!"

Cara was about to ask a question but was stopped by a knock at the door. Tess gives Cara a look to not tell anyone what she just learned.

"Tess? Tess, it's me, Ryder." Just hearing a voice of a good friend lessens the tension in the room. She opens the door and greets him with a hug.

"Hey Ryder. What can I do for you?"

"Cara? We've been looking for you. Ms. Reyes wants to see you."

"What for?"

"To discuss about guarding, taking a look at the weapons, and figuring out where to hide some in case of another attack."

"I'll head right over. Where is she?"


As Cara leaves she stops in front of Tess
"We'll continue talking later."

Tess and Ryder see Cara walk off.

"Well, that was... awkward. Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Just a few complications. Girl problems."

He laughs a little. And she smiles.

"Uh, lost my train of thought for a sec. Nurse Baker needed some more herbs to make more of that healing moss. She asked me to get some, but I don't know exactly what the herbs look like, so I thought maybe... you could come with me? Maybe it could also help you take your mind off things."

"I'd love too."

They both head out, taking their weapons, being pre-cautious.

"Everything okay, Tess? What's going on with you and Cara?"

"Nothing really. Cara and I are just having some miscommunications. That's all."

"It didn't sound like miscommunications."

Tess stops in her tracks. "What did you overhear?"

"Nothing really. Something about Keith's death."

"Is that all?"

"You having something to do with it."

Tess sighs not knowing how she was going to explain this to Ryder.

"Listen, Ryder. Whatever you heard it's not really what it sounds like."

"It's okay Tess you don't have to explain anything. Whatever's going on, is between you and Cara."

"Thank you."

They continue to walk in silence.

"Still don't understand why all of this had to happen." Tess looks at him, curious to what he had to say.

"With what?"

"Amanda, Keith, and you. None of you deserve this."

"You know Ryder, I don't think I ever got to thank you for helping me with Edwin."

He chuckles.

"You don't have to thank me. It was my job. It's still my job to protect you."

In that moment, with those words, her heart started beating faster. She knew she could always count on him. Whatever it was he would be there. Admiration and mutual respect. A connection she couldn't ignore.

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