Chapter 13

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Cara and Kristen were discussing what to say to the goblins for their drool.

"Those goblins are proud creatures. Don't say anything that might hurt their ego."

"I'll just stay quiet then. You can do the talking Cara."


"Those goblins have been hiding here for how long?"

'Kristen sure does love to ask questions.' Cara thought.

"According to Aaron, many years. it's incredible no one has found them."

It's been hours since we left. Guess we won't make it in time for dinner.

"Cara?" Kristen grabs her by the shoulder and turns her around.

"Yes Kristen?"

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah. Why?"

"You almost tripped over a wire." Cara looked down and saw the wire a couple of inches away from her feet.

"Well thanks. I guess I'm just a little distracted today." She follows the wire and sees what would've hit her. "I think I know how those goblins have managed to stay hidden. Anyone who finds them..." she points up to a tree that had some hanging logs with red on them. "..don't come back."

"Cara are you sure this bag of jewelry will work?"

"Let's hope it does. Keep your eyes out for any more traps. I just hope it doesn't come down to us having to steal it."

"If it does come down to that. I'll do it. You just have to distract them."

"With what?" Cara asked.

"I don't know, your demon powers."

Cara just looked at Kirsten
"You're a demon too."

"Well they don't need to know that. It should be an easy trade, if not we'll come up with something."

Kristen definitely had confidence.


Mr. Hale had looked for Tess all over the Academy. The last place to check was the Infirmary.

"Nurse Baker."

"Hello Headmaster. How can I help you?"

He walks up to her "Have you seen Tess? I can't seem to find her."

"No, I haven't. She told me she was going to talk to you, but that was earlier this afternoon. She said she'd be back here with some witch hazel I needed. She never did."

"Nurse." They both hear a hoarse voice.

"Hale, it's Austin!"

They both go to him, as they get close he starts to shake. "He's gong into shock! Hale hold him down make sure he doesn't choke on or bite his tongue! I'll get something to calm him down."

Nurse Baker runs to the back and Hale tries to hold Austin's hands down. He looks up towards the back "Anytime now Nurse Baker!" He suddenly feels a grip on his wrist, he looks down and sees Austin's eyes, they're frost blue.

"Noon?!" Austin's lycan was coming through

"Midnight... Tess... in danger. Emily and Edwin are with the slayers. Find them."

With that he goes back unconscious. Hale loosens his grip.

"You heard that too, right Nurse Baker?" Hale says as he looks up.

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