Chapter 5

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Austin runs as fast as he can carrying Keith back to the Academy. Cara and Tess behind him.

"Cara, send Nathan a mind message to tell the guards not to shoot! We're coming from the West to the training area!"

She does as she is told.

They're back within minutes. Austin goes straight to the infirmary. He lays Keith down, ever so gently. Nurse Baker attends to him immediately.

Austin walks out to see Tess and Cara sitting on the floor. Tess is holding Cara as she cries, the tears staining Tess' shirt.

Nathan walks up to Austin with worry on his face.

"What happened?"


"What? How many?"


"You're kidding. One slayer?"

"He wasn't like other slayers. He didn't attack much with force, it was more with tactics. He used herbs."


"He made Cara and I fall asleep with some weird powder. He didn't want to hurt any of us."

"He killed Keith."

"But he didn't want to. You needed to see him. There was so much regret in his eyes."

*Tess' POV*
"It's going to be alright."

"I killed him Tess. It's my fault he's dead."

"Cara it's not your fault."

She doesn't stop crying. After a few more minutes of holding her she stands up.

"Tess, I'm going to my dorm." She says as she's wiping the tears away from her eyes.

"I'll walk you."

We walk to her dorm in silence. Once we get there,

"You can leave."

"Are you sure? I can stay. I don't mind."

"I just want to be alone." She sniffs.

"Cara, you don't have to be tough all the time."

"Please Tess just–"

"I'm staying."

She doesn't argue back. We sit on her bed. She lays her head on my lap.

She continues to cry.

I comfort her until she eventually falls asleep. I gently lift her head up and place a pillow. I leave her dorm without making a sound.

I walk back to the infirmary. Hale standing outside with Austin and Nathan.

Nathan sees me. He walks towards me to hug me. I hug him back.

"Are you okay?" Nathan gestures to my arm.

I look at the cut and feel the dry blood on my lip. I forgot about that.

"It's small, nothing serious."

Hale also comes up to me and hugs me. Which was unexpected.

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