Part 1 (not edited)

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Crystal's POV

This sucks. I cant believe I am going to live with my aunt and uncle in Eureka, California. I cant wait till I turn eighteen in a couple months so I can get a place of my own. From what I know about my Aunt Cindy is that she's not a werewolf like my Uncle Bill or I am, she's human. I guess my mom and her sister have different dads. My mom's dad was werewolf and my aunts dad had been human. When a werewolf and a werewolf mate their baby is going to be a werewolf. If a human and a werewolf mate there's a fifty percent chance they will be human and never shift. Werewolves shift on their sixteenth birthday. My mom shifted of course because she was full werewolf but since my aunts chances were half, she ended up not being a werewolf.

The reason why I am going to go live with my aunt and uncle is because both my parents died a couple of days ago. They and the rest of my pack were killed by rogues and if I had been home instead of with friends out shopping, I would have been killed too. So now I'm off to live with my mothers sister whom i've never met before. This is just awesome. I miss my parents. Im not looking forward to starting a new school or making new friends. I hate starting over.

My dad was alpha in my old pack but since he died it went to his beta Mike. Mike wanted me to be his luna since his mate died but I dont like him like that, so I sent myself to live with my aunt and uncle. Im looking forward to meeting my uncle's pack, well truthfully its not my uncle's pack since he's not alpha. I dont know whose alpha. Guess i'll have to wait and see. Hope this pack accepts me, I dont see why they wouldnt.

I was a bundle of nerves arriving to my aunt and uncle's house. When I pulled up, I couldn't believe how big it was. It was a light blue color with black shutters. The flower garden out front was gorgeous. Someone has a green thumb since the lawn looks well kept and extremely green unlike a lot of houses on this street. The two doors in front were white and the driveway was extrememly long and narrow.

I parked my Geo Prism outside my soon to be home and when I got to the front door I hesitated before ringing the doorbell. Three seconds after I rang the doorbell I heard someone yell on the other side and then the door swung open a few seconds later. The woman who answered the door had really short blonde hair, was short in height but very thin and had beautiful green eyes that twinkled. This woman looked very breakable.

"Oh hunnie, you are finally here," my Aunt Cindy said to me as she gave me a huge hug. "Im so glad to finally meet you."

I couldnt help but smile at her. She seemed so sweet. "It's great to meet you too Aunt Cindy," I replied while hugging her back.

The reason why I never met my aunt was because my mom and her had a falling out. I dont know about what but they havent talked for as long as I can remember. I wish things had been different, I really do. If I had had a sister I would never get so angry with her as to where I would not allow her to be in my life or my childrens. My mom had no right to keep my aunt and uncle from seeing me if they had desired to do so.

"Hey kiddo," said my uncle. "Let me show you to your room," he said as he took some of my luggage and headed up the stairs. I followed him while taking in my surroundings. This place was just beautiful. This house was nothing like my parents house. Gosh do I miss my parents and home already.

My uncle stopped outside a closed door and told me that this was my room. As he opened the door I couldnt believe how huge it was. It was three times the size of my old bedroom. "Wow this is gorgeous Uncle Bill!" I exclaimed with a huge smile on my face.

"Glad you like it kiddo. You can decorate it however you would like. Aunt Cindy will take you shopping to pick out paint and whatever else you may need," my uncle told me as he turned to leave. "I'll let you get unpacked now and dinner should be in two hours or so. Come down when you're ready."

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