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*Ciel P.O.V*

I watch as Sebastian fights Grell on the rooftop.

Why is he wasting time?! I scream in my head.

"I agree," A female says from behind me. "With him being the powerful demon he is, Sebastian should've finished him in a flash."

I whip my head around to see a rather short slender woman. "How did you know Sebastian was a demon? And how did you know his name?"

She rolls her eyes and walks up next to me. "How can someone not know? I mean, everything about him is clearly not human. His looks, height. Hell, even his eyes give it away."

I look up at her to see that she's not much taller me. Perhaps by three or four inches, but still not by a lot.

"Alright, your answered the first question, what about the second?" I inquire.

Before she responds, she pulls me into her arms and holds me. Just as I was about to push her away, she let's me go.

"What was that for?!" I practically yell at her.

"Oh I sincerely apologize Earl Phantomhive," She says sarcastically. "If I hadn't pulled you out of the way, you would've been crushed by that grim reaper."

"How did you know that was a grim reaper?" I ask, then ask something more important. "How the hell do you know my name?"

"Honestly, I never thought I would live to see the day where I would have to bow to the likes of you." A monotone voice says, that make mine and the girls heads turn.

*??? P.O.V.*

I turn my head to see another death god in a black suit with brown hair bow to the demon.

Chuckling, I walk next to the butler in black. "Nor did I." I put my hand on my hip. "This is quite the sight to see"

The brown haired shinigami clicks his tongue. "Your kind is even worse than his." He points at the demon. "Let's go Grell."

As they're walking away Sebastian throws the death scythe at the shinigami. "You forgot that. I thought you would like it back." He says after the reaper catches it between his fingers.

"Thank you." Is all he says before walking away.

A clicking sound makes me turn around to see Ciel pointing a gun at me.

"You never answered my questions! Now I demand you to tell me who you are and how you know mine and Sebastians' name!"

I burst into a fit of laughter. "Hahahaha!"

"Why are you laughing?" Ciel asks in an angry tone.

"I'm laughing at you! Hahahaha!" I hold my stomach.

"W-why?" He asks as his self-confidence shrinks.

"Because," I stand up straight and minimize my laughs to simple giggles. "You think just because you come from the noble family of Phantomhive, you think you can go and order people around? So, you 'demanding' me to tell you everything thing makes me laugh and you nothing more than a brat." Once I finish, they're both wide eyed. I smirk. "The truth hurts doesn't it?"

Ciel puts his gun down and motions for Sebastian to crouch down so he can whisper something into his ear.

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian says as he stands up. He walks towards me with his demon eyes glowing bright. "I'm sorry Miss, but my master has ordered me to get any information from you by using any means necessary. I apologize if I accidentally end your short life." Then he cracks his knuckles and pulls his bloodied gloves higher on his wrists.

"Short life?" I repeat, slowly reaching behind me to pull out one of my guns Xion. "Please, I'm probably only just a few thousand decades younger than you Sebastian."

"So, you know my name?" He asks.

"Of course. I should know these kinds of things. If I couldn't I would disappoint my master."

We're now standing face to face. I quickly swing out Xion and shoot him in the shoulder.

"I apologize dear girl, but bullets won't hurt me. After all, I am a demon." Sebastian says jumping back.

Smirking I say, "Don't get so cocky demon. I guess it hasn't kicked in yet, but when it does, you'll have three more in you." I pull the triger.

"Your bullets are too slow, it seem-" He collapses on the floor. "Nngh..."

As I hear Ciel gasp, I smile evilly. "I told yo demon, don't get cocky."

I reach for my sword to finish the job, but before I can, I hear, "(Y/n), Sir Integra wishes to see you. Come home."

"Yes master." I put Xion and my sword away and walk towards home.

"Where are you going?" Sebastian asks in pain.

"My master has called me. Im going." I continue walking.

"Wait!" Ciel calls after me. "Just tell me your name... Please"

I chuckle. "I'm just a creature of the night."


I hope you guys like it. It took me a while to type this. I usually have all my stories typed on Google docs, but my computer is down so I'm using my phone. Anyway please write in the comments if you like it or not and I'll try to have the next chapter of this and Zero's story out as soon as possible.

Until then,

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