Chapter Seven

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◇• Before you read, I want to warn you that there will be heavy stuff as you read. Anyone who is triggered by the contents, I advise you to stop reading. Thank you -AulinSlade •◇

I sit in the back of the black and brown carriage and I mentally go over everything.

I've come to work at the Phantomhive Manor due to my Master's death. My name is Marniee Claire. My usual attire is swapped with a white long sleeved blouse that's tucked into a plain brown skirt that goes to my ankles.

"They must not know who and what you're really doing." Sir Integra says. "If you see any ghouls, exterminate them immediately."

With a sigh, I look out the window and see nothing but bushes and trees.

Why couldn't I just run? I think. It would've been a lot faster.

I groan and lay down on the leather bench. After just looking at the top on the carriage, I doze off.

"Where are you my sweet?"A drunk voice slurs. "C'mon... I won't hurt you..."

I watch as a little frightened girl hides under the bed, her hand uver her mouth to keep her whimpers from giving her away. I go to help her but I can't move.

"I just want to play with you." I turn to see the man grinning evilly.

I know what this is...

The drunk man looks around the hovel of a house for his daughter, pushing chairs and tables out of his way.

"Please?" He coaxes. "I'll even give you more stew for dinner if you come out (Y/N)"

Tears stream down my face as I reach for my cape to wrap around myself. When I don't feel it there, I tightly wrap my arms around my chest and waist.

The man gets angry. "If you don't come out right now," the rest of his threat is inaudible because he flips the dining table over, causing the tin plates to crash on the floor.

"Ahh..." My child self and I whimper. That small noise was my mistake.

The drunk man storms over to my hiding spot with an enraged look on his face.

"So this is whare you've been hiding..." He crouches down and pulls me out from under the bed by my hair.

"Now you're going to get it girl" He throws me on the floor.

"Stop!" I scream. My younger self winces in pain as her head dots the floor, making blood dribble down the side of her face.

"Leave her alone!" I screech at my drunken father.

"Now... what to do with you..." He says as his hands travel around my small body.

"Don't touch me!" I scream in sync with the younger me.

"Don't talk back to me you bitch!" My father slaps me. "Now shut up or you'll get a worse punishment."

I want to look away, to close my eyes. But I cant. Instead, I'm forced to watch my drunk and furious father violate my body.

I try to move my legs to save that eight year old girl, but it is if they're  cemented to the floor.

Then, time stops. The sound of my cries stop, the fire stops flickering, my father's lingering hands freeze, and the loud crashes of the rain go silent.

I look around in confusion.

"What is this?" My eyes move to the voice, then widen in horror. My father is standing and looking right at me.

"N-no..." I whisper.

"Come on (Y/N)," He says and reaches for me.

"Stay away..." I try to run, but I'm still stuck in place.

"I won't hurt you..." He reassures.

"Stop..." I close my eyes, causing a wave of hot tears to roll down my cheeks.

I feel the tips of his fingers make contact with my arm. "It's okay, you're safe."

Once his hand is on me completely, I scream. "Leave me alone!" I get the strength to push him away.

"Oof!" He falls on the floor, but when I look at him, Walter has taken his place.

"Walter...?" I look at my surroundings and see that I'm still in the carriage and that I've just pushed my master out of it. Gasping I quickly move to help him up and say, "I am so sorry Master!"

"It's alright." He says as he dusts himself off. "If anything, I should be asking you that."

I look down. "I just had a nightmare, that's all." I look up back at him and see a concerned expression written on his face. "I'm fine"

His hand goes to my cheek and wipes left over tears. "You're safe."

I gulp when I realize that he knows about my dream. I sigh and smile at Walter.

"Thank you."

"I haven't gotten your bags yet." He says and pulls away his hand. "Let me get them for you."

"I'll get them" I say and rush to retrieve them before Walter can. I look at him with a smile. "I'm off then"

"Good bye Marniee" Walter says with a bow. He gets back on the drivers seat and rides away.

When I turn, I take a moment to admire the beauty of the Phantomhive Manor.

It's a shame that this is just a copy if the original...

Then I start walking up the stairs that lead to the front doors.

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