Chapter Five

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I sigh. "We're really going to do this again?"

"I'm afraid so." Sebastian says as he slowly makes his way over to me.

"Maylen, Finny, Bard what are you still doing here, get back to work!" Ciel's barks at them.

I smirk. "My dear Sebastian, you know what happened the last time. Do you really want to live through another failure?"

"I don't believe I will." The demon says, then in an instant, he's behind me with a knife pressed against my neck. "Now, tell me everything you know. If you don't..." He pushes the blade to my throat warningly.

I gulp but regain my calm posture. “Why would I do that?”

“If you don’t, I’ll have to end your life.” Sebastian says into my ear, sending small chills down my spine.

“Please,” I scoff, trying to hide the quiver in my voice. “Even if I tell you, you’d kill me anyway.”

“That is true, however I like to hear people reveal everythig about themselves then beg for their worthless lives.” Sebastian says.

"You think my life is worthless?" I chuckle. "I've probably lived through more things than you"

"I've don't believe so," Sebastian says. "You're just a low human"

I let out a gasp in false offense. "How dare you insult a lady that way." Very slowly, I move Xion so it's pointing at Sebastian through my cape.

"An insult?"

"Why yes. I am something far greater than a feeble human" I say then pull the trigger twice.

"Gah," I hear Sebastian grunt. His Shock causes the Butler to stagger back, his knife making a small cut across my neck but I'm not worried about it. I know it'll heal.

"What are those bullets made out of?"

I smirk. "Something special. Special enough to take care of impure souls like you and I."

As he's hunched over in pain, I pull Sebastian to his knees and move his collar out of the way, exposing his pale neck to me.

"Impure...? You're juat a-" Sebastian is cut off when he feels my tongue slide over his skin in search for the right spot.

"Impure always wanted to know what demon blood tastes like..." Now that Sebastian is close, he can see my fangs and I watch in amusement as his eyes go wide in disbelief.

Before the demon has time to say anything, I sink my fangs deep into his neck.

Alucard/Sebastian x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя