Chapter One

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*Sebastians P.O.V.*

I hold my wound with me hand as I walk towards my master.

"Young Lord, are you alright?" I ask.

He rubs his eye and replies, "Yes, just a litte tired."

"Let's get you to the town house before you catch a cold. I'll serve you warm milk when we get there." I pick him up and begin to carry hime home.

"Yeah... that sounds nice."After that, he falls asleep.

"I'm surprised you can continue forward with all that's happened. But I suppose that's what makes your soul so delicious." I smirk.

*My P.O.V.*

I walk through the large wooden doors of HQ and is welcomed by Walter.

"Good evening Miss (Y/N)"

"Good evening Master. What are you doing still up? It's rather late." I say in concern.

"I'm afraid I can't retire to my sleeping chambers until I finish the paperwork that Sir Integra has given me." He says as he removes mu hood cape from my shoulders.

"I'll finish it for you. Get off to bed." I insist.

Walter shakes his head. "No no, it's quite alright." He guides me upstairs to Integra's office.

When we get to the door, Walter bends and hugs me.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." He says into my (h/c) hair.

I hug back and take in his scent.

He pats my head like a child then says a good night and walks away.

I give a small smile to his retreating figure. I straighten up and walk into Sir Integra's office.

"What took you so long?" Is the first things out of her mouth. "You know how I despise tardiness."

"Walter never gave me a specific time to be here." I say as I sit in one of the leather chairs in front of her mahogany desk.

She sighs and says, "we'll talk about that matter later. What I want to know right now is why you came to contact with the Phantomhive boy and his butler!" She yells at me.

"Well so~orry," I say with sarcasm laced in my voice. "I just wanted to see what they were like in person rather than reading about them from files from the Yard."

Integra sighs again and puts her chin on her clasped hands. "I suppose it's the right time to tell you."

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