Chapter Four

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*Ciel's P.O.V.*

Shortly after me and Sebastian arrived at home, I made my way to my study to begin my letter to the Queen, informing her that I have taken care of the Jack the Ripper case.

"Sebastian, go get me some tea." I demand as I pull out a piece of parchment paper and my pen.

"Yes, My Lord." Sebastian says with a bow then leaves.


I stop writing and look up at my study door, waiting for Bard, Finny, or Maylen to rush into the room spewing their apologies and what not. However, when it goes quiet again I assume that Sebastian has felt with them and I go back to my letter.


"Sebastian!" I yell after recovering from the slight scare.

"Yes Lord?" My Butler says as he walks into the study with a tray of tea.

"What the hell were those sounds? Did Bardroy blow up the kitchen again?" I say in frustration.

"No. I was with him in the kitchen just now Master." Sebastian replies. "What sound are you talking about?"


"That sound!" I shout and before I say anything else, I hear Finnian scream.

*My P.O.V.*

"Master's flowers!" A childish voice says from behind me. "What did you do to them?!"

I turn to see a boy about my size with blonde hair gardening gloves on. "I just made them a better colour." I say with a smile. "White is such a plain colour, black adds a different sense to the flower"

"Master likes his white roses!" The garden boy yells as he charges towards me.

He picks up a big bag of fertilizer and throws it at me. I quickly pull out Xion and shoot the bag, causing a loud boom noise to erupt and echo out.

"Throwing a bag of fertilizer at a lady?" I fake a gasp "How ungentleman like"

I see the boy hesitate for a moment so I take that opportunity to strike. I use my inhuman speed to run up to him and punch him hard in the jaw.

"You don't have a boy do a woman's job" I hear a girl say. I look in that direction and see the end of a gun being pointed at me, and before I get shot, I jump out of the way.

I jump into a nearby bush and pull out Roxas too. I take a small peek out to get a better view of my next target.

"That bush won't hide you, my eyes see everything" She says as I hear the click of her gun.

"You're eyes are special, huh?" A smirk grows on my face as I dash and lock on to the maroon haired girl and jump on to her. "I guess I'll just have to take them out!"

"Get off of Maylen!" The garden boy shouts and throws yet another bag of... something my way.

"Okay." I say then quickly move out of the way, so the bag will land on the girl who I now know as Maylen. Unfortunately, she copies what I did and shoots at the bag making its contents fly everywhere and another loud noise to emit from it.

"Oi, what the hell is going on out here?!" Another voice calls. I look and see a taller blonde with goggles hanging from his neck.

"They started it." I say blatantly and point at the other two.

"Who are you?" The tall one asks.

"I'd love to but I can't." I say sweetly.

"Well then... Get her!" He yells and the garden boy throws another bag(where is he getting all of them?) at me.

I shoot the bag again. "Really?" I mutter annoyed.

"Time for you to die" I look and see that Maylen is pointing her rifle at me and is pulling the trigger.

"Stop!" Someone yells and Maylen quickly changes her target to somewhere in the woods to miss me.

"What are you doing here and why are my servants fighting you?" I recognize the voice as Phantomhive's.

"Hello Earl," I say with a mock bow. "How are on this fine evening?"

"Cut the crap and answer my question." Ciel's says.

"I was just minding my business when your garden boy started throwing bags at me." I say like it was obvious, because it was. The guts of the bags were all over the ground, I'm surprised he couldn't smell it. "Im simply acting out of self-defense."

It's quiet for a moment then I say, "Well, look at the sun, I should really be on my way."

"I don't think so." Ciel's says then looks at his Butler. "Well? What are you waiting for. I ordered you to get information out of her."

Sebastian's eyes glow as he smiles. "Of course, My Lord..."


I'm back!

Okay, I'm really, really, really sorry. It's been almost an entire year for me to update this. Super sorry.

Now I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that I don't have Internet and using data to type all of this aaaand this week is Midterm week for me aaaaaand on top of that, the Zero x Reader story is going to be put on hold until further notice. Sorry!

The good news is that I'm going to update this tomorrow aaaand I've reached 100 followers! Thank you guys so much! Never in my wildest dream would I have thought that I would have that many.

When I posted the first chapter to my first story on wattpad(The Zero story if anyone was curious) I honestly thought that it wouldn't be viewed because I posted it as a joke to myself to prove that others wouldn't like my stories. But then I started getting feedback on it and votes and more reads, I thought that this would be a good opportunity to prove myself wrong and that I can write, not just for myself but for others too.

So sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Until next time,


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