'little quest' time

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A/N: So uhm yeah this is my first ever fanfiction and I don't know how this is going end but okay let's start I guess..

In this one-shot Percy has been on a quest without Annabeth and yeah, you will see.

Disclaimer: I am not our sweet (note sarcasm) Rick Riordan so I guess I don't own any characters from the PJO and HOO series.

Annabeth P.O.V :

Why does Percy has to be so kind to say Yes to a 'little' quest! Ugh..

He has been away for two months now and I want my Seaweedbrain back. Oh and if you think that I'm desperate, I am NOT.

Currently, I'm next to my locker trying really hard (note the sarcasm please) to listen to my friend Lizzie who is talking about Zeus knows what.

Lizzie is my mortal friend of high school. Sadly enough I can't tell her about my 'real' life though.

"Annabeth are you even listening?" My other friend Rosanna said.

"Yeah, Yeah I am" I muttered.

After a couple of minutes trying to actually listen to the conversation, I zoned out again.

Since my friends in this school are all mortals, I can't really bond with them. Each summer they ask me to come over or they ask me what I'm currently doing. each and every time I have to lie to them. It sucks, I know, but they wouldn't understand and I would like to live a little longer. They do know some stuff. for example, they know I have a boyfriend named Percy and that we have been together for two a three years now. That's it though. they keep asking about how we met, but every time I just change the subject as fast as possible.

Again, Rosanna pulled me out of my thoughts, but now by suddenly waving her hand in front of my face. That my friends, is something you shouldn't do in front of a daydreaming demigod.

I grabbed her hands and glared at her.

"Rosanna do you want me to kill you?"

"Jeez, Beth calm down. I only wanted to tell you that this really hot guy is staring at you" Rosanna said with a irritated look on her face.

I signed.

"You know I have a boyfriend, so I'm not interested"

Now it was Rosanna's turn to sign.

"But just look at him. He has this messy black hair and beautiful sea-green ey-" I cut her off immediately.

"wait, did you just say black hair and sea-green eyes Rosa?!" I almost yelled at her.

"Yes, that is what I said" she deadpanned.

No it can't be, can it? He wouldn't be back until next month...

When I turned around I felt like the happiest demigod alive. I guess my expression gave me away, because Lizzie asked "Annie do you know him?"

I didn't even care anymore that she called me Annie or that all the students in the haul were looking at my crying face. The only thing that mattered for that moment was that my Percy was leaning against a locker a few meters away from me and that he was alive and well.

Slowly, my legs started to walk towards him with my hands over my mouth in disbelieve.

"P-Percy, is that really you?" I almost whispered.

Percy pushed himself off the lockers and walked the lasting meters towards me. He gently wiped away my tears and grabbed my hands away from my mouth and kept them in his.

"Yes Wisegirl It's me. I'll tell you all about what happened later, but now" he put his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest. "I really badly want to hug you" he said with a wide grin on his face.

I put my arms around his waist and buried my face in his neck. His hand that was first on my head went towards my chin so he could level my lips with his. After three whole months I could finally kiss him again.

A/N: so yeah, I just wrote that...

Byee x

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