My lucky day

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A/N: there isn't much to explain to be honest. I'm just a lazy ass who doesn't know what to write anymore. School happened I guess. I love writing and all that but the percabeth idea's just don't come that often anymore.

The idea for this one- shot actually came from a prompt I got for my Dutch writing assignment. So I think you can guess what my Dutch teacher got to enjoy (little fanfics for everyone)

This is just a small AU about a klutz named Percy and a library secretary named Annabeth. Hope you enjoy!

Percy's P.O.V:


That, my dear friends, was the amazing greeting I got from the library secretary.

I'll explain for you guys.

Hello, I'm Perseus Jackson, but call me Percy. I'm an nineteen years old college student who just found a children's book in the back of his closet. I repeat, children's book. Believe me, I also have no idea why this book is here. To add on the weird factor, I moved three times since I most likely read this book (well to be exact, my mother probably read it to me since I would never read a book for the pleasure of it).

Maybe you're thinking "hey percy, what's the problem? It's just a book. No harm done, right?". Yeah well, you would have been right if the book wasn't rented from the library twelve years ago.

I signed and put my shoes on. Just when I was about to leave my room that lead to the kitchen, the door flew open and flew straight into my face.

I grabbed my now throbbing nose "for god's sake! you piece of sh-!!".

before I could continue my cursing, I was cut off by the one and only idiot himself named Grover.

Grover looked me up and down.

"are you heading out dude?"

I glared at him the best I could with my hand still holding my nose.

"yes I am and I'm okay by the way, thanks for asking".

I shove past him and pulled my jacket on. I yelled a muffled goodbye to Grover and started my quest towards the library.

When I eventually arrived at the local library, I walked towards the reception desk. Not knowing what to do, because I never came to the library, I just stood there awkwardly. After maybe 5 minutes of standing restlessly in the same spot, I saw something in the corner of my eye. There, in all his glory, lay one of those little bells. Not knowing what it was for, I rang it multiple times. Suddenly someone spoke behind me.

"can I help you sir?"

Out of surprise I threw the little bell up in the air and made a not so manly sound. And as if that wasn't embarrassing enough, the little bell landed straight on the persons head.

"ow.." the person said while rubbing her or his head.

I immediately turned around and looked at the floor in embarrassment.

"I'm so, so sorry!" I almost yelled at her ( while looking down I saw legs that belonged to a women... at least I hope so).

"it's okay. I should have been mo-" she suddenly gasped as if realising something.

I looked up at her confused and actually saw her face for the first time.



I looked at her with wide eyes. Before me stood Annabeth Chase, my best friend (and secret crush) from high school. She became even more beautiful than she was two years ago. Her blond hair hang loose around her shoulders and her eyes were a piercing grey. Even if she was just wearing a pair of jeans and a sweater, she looked stunning.

When I looked back up at her face, I saw her trying to hide her giggles.

"wh-what are you laughing about?" I asked her with a grin of my own.

She cleared her throat but couldn't get her smile of her face. "it's just that your nose is all bruised. What happened?" she asked, now concern lacing in her expression and voice.

"what are you.." I slowly touched my nose with my finger. I winched as if just realizing my nose was indeed hurting pretty bad.

Annabeth looked at me with some kind of relief. "You really didn't change since high school, did you? Once a seaweed brain, always a seaweed brain I guess".

I tried to glare at her, but could only hold it for a couple of seconds. She of course noticed this and smirked at me.

I signed in defeat.

"yeah, yeah wise girl. You're right, like always"

Annabeth laughed at the sound of her old nickname. After a minute of comfortable silence she spoke up again.

"anyways... what brings you here? I don't think you got a sudden love for reading?"

Remembering I was in the library for a reason, I laughed awkwardly at her.

"uhm, Yeah. About that" I showed her the book I was carrying. "I may or may not, have rented this book twelve years ago?" I said sheepishly while giving her the book.

She looked at me dumbfounded.

"you did what now Percy?! How do you expect me to return this?!"

I looked at her with a pouty face and big pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry for giving you so much trouble, but if you'll try to return it, I'll take you to dinner?".

You may think I'm pushing my luck here, but you can't blame a guy for trying.

Annabeth nodded in approval.

"that sounds good to me. I'll try but I can't promise anything, okay?"

I couldn't contain myself anymore. I pulled Annabeth towards my chest and involved her in a bone crushing hug. I pressed my lips on the top of her head and took a big breath of Annabeth's lemon smell.

"I've missed you so much Annabeth. Don't disappear out of my life ever again, okay?" I whispered so only she could hear me.

"I've missed you to Percy" she turned her head upwards so she could look me in the eyes.

She gently poked my nose with her finger. "we'll talk about me not leaving you when we have dinner tonight".

Even if she laughed at me when I winched, because she touched my bruised nose, I couldn't get my biggest and happiest smile of my face. I won't let her go this time.

A/N: so I wanted to tell you guys that I wasn't completely dead on Wattpad. I actually went back and edited some of my earlier one-shots (the first three to be exact). I think they improved quite a lot, so you may want to reread them ( they still have the same plot line, mostly, but just way better written). If you want to get a notification for when I have edited one of my stories, just follow my account or keep your eye on my conversations. I always post a message when I've edited something.

Thank you guys for sticking with me, even if I update very slowly.

Byee x

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