example gone wrong

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A/N: YESS!!! I finally came with an idea!

So in this one-shot there is no mist, Percy and Annabeth go to Goode, because de gods signed a couple demigods for every school to protect it.(kind off)

Percy's P.O.V:

The day started of wonderfully. I woke up next to my beautiful girlfriend that was cuddled in my side, got blue waffles as breakfast and I took a great shower. While I was showering, realisation hit me like a ton of bricks. It was the first day of school.

After I took my shower, Annabeth got mad, because I may or may not had let her sleep in (don't blame me, It's her fault she looks so freaking adorable). After a while Annabeth and I were ready to go. We got in Paul's car and drove to school with him.

Because the mist is gone (thank you very much dirt face) Zeus had send Annabeth and I to protect the mortals in Goode for any danger. The rest of the seven where located in other schools close by.

When we arrived, Annabeth and I were taken to the cafeteria with the rest of the students. After a couple of minutes that felt like hours (thanks ADHD), Paul finally started talking.

"Silence please!" Paul yelled over the commotion.

A few seconds later when everyone calmed down Paul continued. "So as you all know, the Greek gods are real. This means that monsters from the Greek mythology are also real" people looked shocked for a second.

"First the monsters didn't see us, or didn't care because we weren't interesting enough. But since the 'mist' is gone they do care" Paul said seriously.

"Demigods are children from a God and a mortal. They risk there life's every day, even before the mist was gone. They saved our life's more than you can count" Paul said while winking at us.

"They are stronger than we are and some have powers that would be considered unhuman" I snickered, what made Annabeth hit me in the arm pretty hard.

"ouch, Wise Girl, that really hurts you know" I whispered in her ear.

Annabeth rolled her eyes at me. "oh gods, put a sock in it, would ya? I'm trying to listen" she said irritated.

I kissed her cheek. "yeah, yeah. Sorry"

"These children of the gods will protect us from the monsters. Percy, Annabeth please come up here"

Oh my gods this was so awkward.

Annabeth and I had to walk from the back of the room to the front. Nobody had told us we had to go introduce our self so we settled in the back of the room. Not a smart move apparently. the ten seconds walk felt like a walk of shame. Everyone looked at us like we had two heads.

When we finally arrived at the podium, I had no idea what to say or do so I just intertwined my fingers with Annabeth's and looked at her with my usual grin. Annabeth rolled her eyes and started talking.

"Because this idiot here, doesn't know what to say, I'll just start. My name is Annabeth Chase. I am the daughter of Frederick Chase and the goddess of Wisdom, material arts and war strategy Athena. I have a very long list of what I have done since I was seven but I will just keep it brief" I snickered. Yeah sure Annabeth.

"When I was seven I ran away from home and found my way in Camp Half-Blood" some people gasped and there was a whisper here and there. I tried to contain my laughter. This is nothing people, you have no idea.

"When I was twelve I met this dork and we returned the master bolt of Zeus. I travelled through the sea of monsters that most of you know as the Bermuda triangle to get the golden fleece when I was fourteen. I wandered through The Labyrinth of Daedalus and held up the Sky when I was fifteen. I am also one of the seven of the second big prophecy and I followed the mark of Athena and fought in both the wars. Percy and I also survived Ta-Tartarus..."

She looked at me with glassy eyes and I stroke my thumb gently on the top of her hand to let her know it was okay.

"So yeah" I stroke my neck awkwardly "I am Perseus Jackson, but just call me Percy. I am the son of Sally Jackson and the god of the sea, horses and earthquakes Poseidon." A lot of gasps were heard from the teachers and the students.

"yeah, I know. Oh my gods, Poseidon broke the oath. News flash. Zeus and Hades both broke the oath too. Hades even three times. But two of them were stuck in time for 75 years, one died and came back and the daughter of Zeus was a tree for seven years.. I'm getting off track, aren't I?"

Annabeth signed beside me. "yes you are Seaweedbrain. Continue please"

" as you wish Wise Girl. Because I am a son of one of the big three I have more power than others. For example, I can breathe underwater, control it and I can talk to sea animals and horses. For the rest I mostly did everything that Annabeth here did except for that Athena part and running away. I am also the kid of the first big prophecy and some months after the first war, Hera thought it would be fun to take my memories away and to put me in the Roman camp. She kinda failed though, because I could still remember Annabeth"

dead silence. After a couple of seconds, some jock spoke up "and how are we supposed to believe all that, you look like a wimp to me"

other students started to say "yeah" and "he is right" I just laughed.

"It is your own choice buddy to believe me or not, but if you want proof you can get it"

I looked around me for a water bottle. Even though it isn't sea water. I can still control it some way or another. I laughed. The jock was holding a water bottle.

I concentrated on the water and after some seconds I made it splash up his face. I knew that that wouldn't be enough so I made the water come out the bottle and towards Annabeth and I.

Sorry Annabeth. I let the water splash over Annabeth and I, but I of course I didn't get wet. Oh Let the gods be on my side, because she gave me a death glare that could kill any mortal.

I grabbed her by the hips and pushed my lips on hers. When we broke apart, you couldn't see a single drop of water on her anymore. She just looked at me with a face that said "if you don't run now..."

"Okay, I hope that was a good enough example, because I have to run for my life now. Oh and if you have any more questions left or you see a monster, just call my name or Annabeth's, we are usually together anyway. See ya! I hope.."

And I ran like there was no tomorrow (because maybe there wasn't).

A/N: that was loonnnggg... okay if you liked this idea please comment below because I want to know if you guys want me to make a part 2 or even a part 3 of this one-shot.

Byee x

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