Blue hoodies are the best

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I know I don't deserve it after not updating for almost two years, but please give this story some love. It took me so incredibly long to write this and I'm actually quite proud of how it turned out. If you are interested to know what was going on in my VERY long absence, do read my life update at the end of this story. I wanted to give a special thanks to letsreadpunk and LostShadowsx  for always motivating me to keep writing.

About the story: it's an AU where Annabeth just moved to New York with her parents and stuff happens. Both Percy and Annabeth are at the age of seventeen. You're probably not allowed to drive when you're at this age, but just bear with me when I let Percy legally drive on a motorcycle and in a car. You'll see.

Annabeth P.O.V :

Normal people awaken to an alarm clock ringing or I don't know, maybe a sound from outside, but no. Most of the time my daily awaking is caused by my parents yelling.

I let out an irritated groan and lazily sat up on my bed. I reached for my phone that lay on the nightstand next to my bed. As if I wasn't annoyed enough by the constant yelling in the next room, I almost knocked it to the ground.

While waiting for my phone to wake up, I looked out of the small window to my left. Besides seeing my beautiful view of a brick wall, I saw rain splattering against my window. Not a little either, a full blown storm was happening outside my little family apartment.

Hearing the familiar 'bleep' from my phone, I looked down at my screen. Big mistake. I quickly averted my eyes away from the bright home screen. After returning my eyesight, I clumsily unlocked my phone with half closed eyes.

It was only eight in the goddamn morning.

"It's eight AM and they're already at each other's throat, lucky me." I grumbled to myself.

Pulling my legs away from under the warm sheets, a shiver went down my spine when the cold air touched my skin. I placed my feet on the soft carpet and quickly tip toed out of my room.

When I reached my parents' bedroom, I heard my name being said so I stopped walking towards the bathroom and started listening.

"you and I both know that she has to work really hard from now on. She needs to focus on getting good grades right at the beginning of the school year." I heard my mother say.

"I know that studying is very important to you, but it's not Annabeth's fault that we had to move again for your  work! It's completely understandable if Annabeth wants to take a break now and then to socialize with people her age, since she had to leave all her friends behind!" My dad yelled back.

Realising the fight was taking its usual turn, I sighed and proceeded my trip to the bathroom. When I had brushed my long and curly blond hair and put it in a simple high ponytail, I washed my face and grabbed my clothes. My outfit of today existed of my beloved black skinny jeans and a grey crop top.

I leaned on the sink and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"What to do next..." I quietly said to myself.

My parents and I moved from San Francisco to New York city a couple weeks ago. My mother is an architect and because of that we have to move around a lot so she can be closer to her clients. This recent move to New York was the biggest one yet, but luckily my mother promised that this would be the last move, at least until I was old enough to decide for myself were I would want to live.

Even though I miss my old home and friends, I really like living here in New York. The buildings are stunning and it's only a ten minute walk from the apartment to the school I'm attending.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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