example gone wrong part 3 (last part?)

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A/N so here is the long expected part three of my little story. So as you can see, this will maybe be the last part. I don't really have any ideas left but when I have I will type them for sure.

Percy's P.O.V
Gym class was actually quite fun. We had to run some Laps and everyone was breathing really hard, accept Annabeth and I of course. When the gym class came to an end we all went back to the locker rooms. After I put my normal clothes back on, and walked outside I waited for Annabeth so we could walk to our next class together. After a couple of minutes I almost fell forward because someone jumped on my back. "Uhmm wisegirl what are you doing?" I asked. "This is payback for dropping water on me" she answerd while putting her head in the crook of my neck. "So I have to pigypack you to all of our classes?" "Yep". With Annabeth on my back we walked to our english class with Paul.
When we finally made it in the classroom there were only two places left in the front row. Annabeth of course didn't mind but I on the other hand did ughh..
Just before the Bell rang Paul came running in. "Hello class, sorry that i'm a little late but we can start now". He grabed some piece of paper and started to check if everyone was there. "Annabeth Chase?" "Yes here pau- uhm sorry mr. Blofis" she said While turning red. I started to chuckle beside her. Not a smart choice. She seriously smacked me on the back of my head. "That really hurts Annie" I said with a fake sad face. Annabeth just glared at me. "Perce if I were you I wouldn't make Annabeth so mad otherwise she maybe doesn't want to stay in our house, we don't want that now do we?" Paul said back. "Okey okey, sorry wisegirl" I said While kissing her Cheek.
Somewhere in the middle of class we heard screaming and someone came to the Door. "Percy and annabeth we need you now, there is this some kind of big black dog with two guys on the back!" Than the girl past out. (A/N if you know who and what it is your a genius) Annabeth, Paul and I shared a look and all started laughing. Every in class looked really confuse at us because why shouldn't they, the two that were suppose to safe them where laughing there heads of because there is a monster. We started to walk to the noices that came from the caffateria.
When we arrived we saw everyone screaming and running around. In the middle of the chaos were mrs. Oleary with the one and only nico di angelo on his back facepalming. "Didn't she say that there were two guys?" I asked annabeth. But for she could response I saw in the corner of my eye mrs. Oleary running at me. Oh shit. If you never had a dog that was ten times bigger as you, jumping on you and licking your face of, your a Lucky basterd. "Uhmm Deathbread could you like atleast try to get her of of me?" I asked nico. "Sorry perce". When mrs. Oleary was finally of of me and I stood next to Annabeth again, I relised that everyone was still screaming and running around. "EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" Annabeth and Paul yelled. After a couple of seconds everyone was finally calmed down but still scared of mrs Oleary and Nico.
"So what brings you here?" I asked him. "Well.. chiron asked of someone could check how it was going here at goode with you guys so Will and I decided that we would". Right on cue Will came walking from behind mrs. Oleary and hugged nico from behind. "Yeah and this smartiepants thought it would be a good idea to shadowtravel with mrs. Oleary" will said While pointing his finger at nico. "Hey! I atleast tried to not come on th-". Nico was cut off by a scream from beside me. When I looked I was just in time to catch annabeth from falling to the ground. When I started looking for who I had to send to tartarus for Hurting my girlfriend, I saw an empousa looking at me with a creepy smile. "You my friend, won a first class ticket to tartarus". After I meed sure will had a hold of Annabeth, I uncapped riptide and charged at the winner of the first class ticket. After some slashes the only thing left from the monster was some gold dust. I ran towards annabeth to see her calmly sleep in will's arms. "How is she? Please say she is allright" I begged him. "She will be allright percy she only needs some rest now. I healed her wound as good as I can, she will be fine". I took Annabeth from his arms and kissed her forhead. "Never ever scare me again okey? I can't be without you". Because annabeth was in no status to return to our classes, Paul brought us back home. At home I went straight to my bedroom and put Annabeth on my bed and I Let her sleep in peace. In the meanwhile I just sat on the couch downstairs and watched some tv. I must of have fallen a sleep because when I woke up I saw annabeth sitting beside me in my sweater. I immediatally kissed her full on the lips and probably scared her to dead with it but I didn't really care. After pulling away I hugged her and asked "How are you? Are you in pain? Do I have to get you someth-" she cut me off by pressing a sweet kiss on my lips. "I am fine seaweedbrain, but I do have one thing to say". "What is it?" I asked her confused. "When we go back to school I still get those pigypack rides no matter what". "Okey missy, that is okey with me".

A/N  there are probably really much spelling mistakes so sorry for that. Also if you didn't notice yet I also ship soleanglo so yeah..
Okey byeex

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