The christmas Ball

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A/N: so the thing was, I literally had no idea what to write. The only thing I was sertent of was that I wanted to write something with the christmas theme. I hope this will end well!
Btw: credits to my friend letsreadpunk because she gave me the idea!
So in this one-shot percy and annabeth are best friends and go to a christmas Ball together jadijadida..
Just to be sure I think this will be quite AU so yeah
Disclaimer: I don't own them..

Percy's P.O.V
"Wow.. Annabeth you look.. wow". That people, was my amazing reaction when Annabeth Chase came walking down the stairs. Just to be clear here, she is NOT my girlfriend (not that I don't want her to be). We were going to our schools christmas Ball together as best friends. Back to the point. Annabeth looked drob dead gorgeous. She was wearing this Light blue dress that stopt right above her knees. The uper part was tight until her waist were it started to flow down. "Are you okey seaweedbrain you're drooling a little there" she said While trying to hold back a grin. "It's Just that you look perfect wise girl" I said back and kissed her hand in a very gentlemens way. When I looked et her again I saw a blush appear on her cheeks. Good job jackson one point for you. "You don't look so bad your self" she said While punching my arm. Now it was my turn to blush.

*time skip to the Ball*

To be honest I didn't really expect that Annabeth would enjoy it. She is the more 'give me a book and a couch and I'm done' kind off girl. But to my suprise she probably enjoyed it more than I did. It's not like I didn't enjoy dancing with Annabeth in of course the 'friendly' way, it was just that every guy kept looking at Annabeth in a way that I knew for sure they were mentally undressing her. I just glared et everyone of them. This reaction went of course not unnoticed by Annabeth. "Perce, whats the matter? Is something or someone bothering you?" she asked with worry all over her face. "No no, Wise girl i'm Fine. It's Just al these guys that keep looking at you". While I was saying this I held her close to my body in a protective way. "Your such a seaweedbrain, seaweedbrain" she said laughing. Because I was bissy being the overprotective best friend, i didn't notice the Group of girls walking over with a mistletoe in hand. Only when people around us started chanting 'kiss,kiss,kiss' I noticed. I looked around to see who the victems were but got confused because everyone was looking at Annabeth and I. "Oh.." was the only thing coming out of our mouths. Now your probably thinking "Why in all the gods names are you not kissing your best friend who you've been in love with for years?!", well you have to admit it is kind off an akward situation. I looked at Annabeth and saw that her face was as bright as a tomato and she was looking at the ground. "Pe-percy i'll understand if you don't wa-" I cut her off with a God damn kiss. I grabed her face with one of my hands and helt her close to me with the other. I kind of expected her to pull back as Quick as possible but to my suprise she actually kissed back. When I broke the kiss (why do I need air God damnit?!) I looked around and saw that everyone was dancing again like nothing happend. "Annabeth please be my girlfriend?" I asked While leaning my head against hers. "Of course seaweedbrain I thought you would never ask" she answerd. I can happily tell you that this christmas was sealed with one of the best kisses ever.

A/N: that sentance 'give me a book and a couch and I'm done' Is most likely me hehe...
I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New year!!!!!

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