Missing You

353 11 18

A/N: so... I'll explain later why it took me so long to update, let's get started.

this is an AU by the way.

Percy's P.O.V:

"Jason, I will kill you!"

That people, was the beginning of a wonderful day at Goode High School.

If you didn't know yet, Hi I'm Percy Jackson, Nice to meet you. You may think, oh no what did this Jason guy do!? Well to be honest, he didn't really do anything that bad. You see, I'm the lead singer of a band called All Time Low. Jason and two of my other friends, Leo and Grover, are also in this band. (A/N: I'm addicted to this band, sorry). I guess you could say that we are pretty famous. We get asked quite a lot, but we have to say no pretty often.

As I said before, we are pretty famous even though we're still in High School. High School and being famous doesn't quite mix.

Lots of girls and even guys swarm around us like bee's that smell honey. I guess to lots of you that sounds amazing. Like, who wouldn't want to get major attention of all the girls in your school, right? Well, we don't, because we aren't single!

Many people ask why we don't just say that to them, but It's harder than you think when you have hundreds of fangirls running after you.

Leo, Jason and Grover have it less harder than me though. Jason's, Leo's and Grover's girlfriends go to Goode with us. Every time a fangirl is to clingy, calypso, piper or Jupiter just make them back off. I'm not that lucky. I'm not the loner of the group, don't worry. It's just that my girlfriend lives in god damn California.

We met when we were twelve in this summer band camp. At first Annabeth didn't like me that much, but after some years of singing together and hanging out, she warmed up to me. Now that we are 18, we're happily dating.

My problem with the fangirls is that they don't believe me when I say I have a girlfriend. It kind of goes like this.

"don't be silly Percy. We know you don't have a girlfriend"

Feels grossed out.

"yeah. If you had one, shouldn't she be at every show? Like, that is was a good girlfriend is supposed to do, right?"

Feels like I'm about to puke.

"if I was your girlfriend, I would support you every show and would never leave your side and.." *keeps rambling*

Actually runs to the toilet to puke.

I do have some luck in my life. Most of the time before I start to puke, Nico and Thalia, my two cousins, come to the rescue. They say some lame excuse, that somehow always offends me some way or another and pull me out of the fangirl crowd.

I side tracked a little, didn't I? Back to the part where I was about to commit a murder.

Like I said before we don't do shows that often, because we are busy with school work. Especially now because we have exams. But Jason just had to say yes to a request of the school president.

Jason threw his hands in the air.

"come on Percy, it isn't that bad. When the time comes, we already finished our exams and it is perfect to blow of some steam" he argued.

"that's true, but I don't want to perform in front of the whole school" I argued back.

In the meanwhile Grover and the others arrived in the cafeteria and Grover grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Are you kidding me bro?" Grover said.

"you performed for way more people than this. I know it may be kinda awkward, but it will be okay"

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