Last Friday Night (The Hangover) Phil Wenneck

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Tracy was getting aggravated. Seeing as though today was the day of her wedding and her groom, Doug, wasn’t back from his bachelor party. Him and a group of friends and his sister had all went to Vegas and hadn’t returned.

She then picked up her phone and dialed one of their numbers.

“ Hey you’ve reached Doug, I’m sorry I’ve missed your call. Please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you.” Doug’s voicemail said.

Then she called Stu, another one of Doug’s old friends.

“Hi, it’s Doctor Stewart Price with Devine Dentistry please leave your name after-” Tracy hung up agitated, clenching her pearly white teeth together.

Tracy then called her soon to be sister and law- that is if the groom ever got there.

“Hey! You’ve reached Ruby! I uh- can’t get to the phone right now, question is when can I? Ha-ha well leave your name at the beep and I’ll decide if your important enough to call back! So bye!”

Tracy felt her heart clench. None of them were answering, and then she realized that she hadn’t called another one of Doug’s friends, Phil.

“Hey, it’s Phil. Leave me a message or don’t? But do me a favor and don’t text me, it’s gay.”  
“Anything?” Tracy’s mother asked turning around to face her freaking out daughter.

Tracy looked down at her phone, “I’ve tried them all, it keeps going straight to voicemail.”

“There has to be an explanation.” Her mother reasoned.

“It’s Vegas.” Tracy’s father spoke from the couch while reading a magazine, “You loose track in those casinos, there’s no windows there’s no clocks. He’s probably on the heater. And you never walk away from the table when your on the heater.”

“You do when your getting married.” Her mother pointed out, giving her husband the look.

Just then Tracy’s phone rang. Tracy’s face brightened up the slightest bit, but she was still pissed. There was no doubt about that.

Tracy answered, “Hello?”

“Tracy it’s Phil

“Phil, where the hell are you guys? I’m freaking out.” Tracy quickly said.

“Listen uh… We fucked up.”

Tracy’s eyes narrowed and then she talked in a hushed whisper so that her parents wouldn’t hear, “What are you talking about?”

“That bachelor party… The whole night, things just got out of control.” Phil explained nervously, “And uh- we lost Doug.”

“What?” Tracy asked.

“We can’t find Doug.” Phil repeated.

“What are you saying Phil?” Tracy said frustrated, “Were getting married in five hours.”

“Yeah…” Phil said into the phone, “That’s not going to happen.”

This is a story, that I'm already halfway finished with. I got bored one day, while watching The Hangover, and thought I should write something... And then it turned into this. I'll need some messages if you want it posted.

It's just something fun! It won't get in the way of my Damon Salvatore story so don't worry! :D

Last Friday Night (The Hangover) Phil WenneckWhere stories live. Discover now