Chapter Two - Road Trip!

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We were driving down the highway, in silence. Well that is until Alan decided that he had to stand and scream something.

“Road trip!” Alan screamed at the top of his lungs, before turning to a car that was driving beside us, “Hey! Vegas baby! Vegas! Woohoo!” Alan screamed it at a little blonde girl who was sitting in the backseat. She stared at Alan like the freak he was and then flipped him off causing Alan to sit back down and pout.

Phil, Stu, and I were smiling like mad mans as we stared at Alan. He sure was entertainment, he was crazy that’s for sure.

“Come on!” Phil protested hold his beer, “Everyone’s passing us!”

I chuckled and took a swig of my own beer. Phil wanted to drive this car so bad, it was killing him.

“Absolutely not. I promised Sid that I would be the only one driving this car- besides your drinking.” Doug argued glancing back at Phil through the mirror.

“What are you a cop now bro?” I asked with a smirk.

Phil nodded, “Yeah, and you know I drive great drunk.”

“That’s true- Phil always was our designated drunk driver.” Stu put in.

“You want to explain it to him Alan?” Doug asked.

“My dad loves this car more than he loves me.” Alan told us.

“Come on I left my wife and kid home so I could go with you guys to Vegas.” Phil said his arm sneaking it’s way to rest on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes, about the arm thing and his sarcasm.

I could feel jealousy running through my veins now. That was supposed to be me. Not to be mean or anything. But he was never supposed to marry Stephanie- although I do love Phil‘s son Eli. I actually did write a song about his whole wedding ordeal. I’m planning on singing it at Doug’s wedding since I’m the singer for it.

“That’s really sweet Phil.” Alan said. I let out a short laugh, could Alan really not sense the sarcasm in his voice? It was clear as day.

“Yeah.” I heard my brother scoff.

“Dude.” Phil began looking at Alan, “I was being sarcastic I fucking hate my life. I may never go back. I might stay in Vegas- hey Ruby you should stay with me.” He said with a wink.

“Here we go..” Doug mumbled, “You flirting with my sister- again.”

“You know what Doug- you better enjoy yourself because come Sunday your going to start dying just a little bit every day.” Phil explained to my engaged brother.

“Yeah.” Alan agreed, “That’s why I’ve managed to stay single all this time you know?”

Phil and I both cocked an eyebrow and gave him and amused look. Is that really why he thought he was single? I mean no offense- I love Alan. But I really don’t think that’s why.

“Oh really? That’s why your single?” Stu asked.

“Yeah.” Alan agreed.

I giggled, “Good to know…”

Phil smiled at my comment as he stared into my covered up eyes. The sun was too bright not to have my sunglasses on.

“I’d change for you Ruby.” Alan spoke up.

“W-what?” I asked clearly confused as I took a sip of beer.

“I’d stop being single for you, Gem Stone.”

I almost choked on my drink. Phil and Stu were both snickering at me until I gave then a look that said ‘shut up’ and they instantly stopped.

“Uh-” I had to think of an excuse, “Thanks for the offer but- I’m single for that reason too? Marriage ties you down you know?”

Last Friday Night (The Hangover) Phil WenneckTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang