Chapter One - Picking Up The Baggage

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I threw the last thing in my bag, before I zipped it up. I was so excited. Well first off your probably wondering what I was so excited about. It turns out that tonight is my brother’s bachelor party.

In Vegas.

Seeing as though I’ve never been there, but have seen a hell of a lot of movies to know that it’s a riot, I was tagging along. My twin brother, Doug, didn’t mind. And I’m pretty sure that the guys, including Stu and Phil wouldn’t either. I was practically a part of their gang, but I was the only one who had to squat to pee.

Although, I hadn’t seen them in almost two years. I had just gotten the home I was at now. Why? Well I had been in LA trying to get my songs published. Yep, I’m a songwriter/singer. But so far getting a producer has been pretty slow.

So none of them knew I was coming this weekend- besides Doug. And none of the guys have seen me in two years. This was going to be a big shock.

Anyways, my name’s Ruby Billings. I’m Doug’s twin sister, and I’m best friends with all of the guys. Especially Phil Wenneck. You see him and I have a past.

We have always clicked, ever since elementary school. The both of us love to crack jokes and don’t take many things seriously. But we also both speak our minds. But- there’s a complication in our friendship.

You see, I have had  a crush on Phil since 9th grade.

Way to cause an obstacle in a friendship eh?

A car horn outside of my rented home, snapped me out of my thoughts. Smiling I grabbed my bag, and shoved my sunglasses on before walking out the door and locking it.

“Hey Doug!” I cheered as I turned around after locking the door, “Nice car, is it Sid’s?”

Sid was actually my brother’s fiancé- soon to be wife’s father. He was actually pretty cool, at times and he loved me.

Doug nodded, “Yeah, get in the back.”

I did as he said and then we pulled out of my driveway and onto the road. Finally I noticed that there was someone in the passenger’s seat. I looked closer to see that it was a guy with a lot of facial hair.

“Alan?” I asked.

You see I had met Alan, one of the times I flew in to visit the family. And meet Tracy of course, who’s Doug’s fiancé. But the times that I did fly back home, I never saw Stu or Phil. So I have to say, I’ve missed them.

Alan glanced back and saw me, “Hey, Ruby! Your not living up to your name you know.”


“You know.. Ruby’s are red. And your hair isn’t red. It’s brown.” Alan pouted as he crossed his arms.

“Uh yeah…” I said awkwardly, as I shifted my eyes and looked out the window. The scene passed by quickly as we drove, “So who are we picking up next?”

“Phil.” Doug replied glancing back at me.


After a few minutes we pulled up to the school, and parked right in front of it. I still after all of these years couldn’t believe that he was a school teacher… Out of all things he could have been.

I looked over to Alan to see him fidgeting uncomfortably? What was wrong with him?

“Did you have to park so close?” Alan asked as he shielded his face with his hand and looked down at his lap, trying to hid his face. As if his big red goofy glasses didn’t do that.

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