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This one's for you nee-chan!(@JamieHayennDeGuzman)

Hope you like it! I did lots of research to get this story perfect.




Rinissa's PoV

I opened the door leading to Detective Conan and opened it as I shouted, "HEY CO-SHI! CAN YOU TAKE A LITTLE BREAK FROM YOUR DETECTIVE , ER, WHATEVAS?!" I shouted so loud that everyone from thet world stops to look at me. I started to sweat with all the attention was straight at me.

He turned around from Ran and said "Can the others come with me?" He said calmly as the people goes back with their business. "Ya sure, just bring 3, mkay?" I said as I started to close the door. "Alright" And as soon as he said that, I closed the door.

Then I went to Sonic's and opened the door and as soon as I did, I got hit right at the face with a blue streak. 'MY BEAUTIFUL FACE! OH HE IS GOING TO REGRET THAT!'
And he did, he got hit with the metal door, stopping him and breaking the door with the look of his face. Then I removed the door in his face as he immediately fell down."HA! That's what chu get blue hairball! " Shadow says as he laughs very hard, falling down in the process. " Oh goodie! Right on time! Knuckles, wake him up and Amy, help me with the decorations." I said. "For what?" She asks.

"For her birthday, Amy." She nods in the process. Then I took a peak at Sonic and I saw him hugging the pole as I saw him dripping wet. I had to hold a laugh." Now that Sonic's awake, meet me at my world at her house, all of you should be there by.... 30 minutes after. "Then all of them nods as I closed the door.

'Now all I have to do is plan'

After 15 minutes of waiting, the Detective Conan Family came with the Sonic's. "You guys took a little long, what happened?" Then Amy spoke, " A teal humanoid bunny came and asked questions. " " Alexa..." I muttered quietly. "Well now that every one's here, let's decorate this place."

Time skip brought to you by Malk


Sorry it took so long but here's part 1

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