Chapter Three

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"Clara," the Doctor says, "you're clever, so you've probably guessed this already..."

"But?" I prompt him.

"But I said that I should never, ever go to Trenzalore. I said that it was the worst place for a timelord to go, his own grave... because he would cross his own timeline?"

"Yes," I say. "I remember you saying. So...?"

"Well, I did a lot more than just cross my own timeline. I stepped right INTO it, in order to get you out."

"I'm sorry," I wince. He looks surprised.

"No, no, no, it's not your fault! But crossing my own timeline... it's done what I thought it would."

"What?" I ask.

"Normally things in the past just... stay where you left them. For example, if you and I were to save a galaxy from dying, it would stay like that. We would never, ever be able to go back to that exact spot in time in the exact place again. Time travel gets complicated once you've been a few places."

"I don't really understand..." I say.

"I know, it's quite hard to wrap your head around," he replies. "But Clara, what I'm trying to say is..."

"No, wait a minute!" I interrupt. "If you and I were to go back to Victorian London, the place with the Snowman, that exact same place outside the pub, would we bump into old version of ourselves? Would we be able to see and talk to ourselves? Or would we be invisible? Or would we..."

"We'd create a paradox," the Doctor tells me. "Most likely if we were trying to land there in the Tardis it wouldn't let us, but if we were to walk there... I think it would probably throw us out. Like we'd just find ourselves back in the Tardis again. It would turn back time a little. And then if we tried to get there again... it might have grown wise to us- created a forcefield or something. I've never really though about it. I'd love to find out!"

"Then we should," I say, determined.

"It could be dangerous..." the Doctor frowns, then sighs and grins. "I know what you're going to say now..."

Right on cue I smile and say, "What's wrong with dangerous?" He laughs and starts fiddling with levers and looking up the screen the exact date and time we were there.

"Hold on tight!" he calls as we start to move. It's only then that I realise he hasn't told me what he was going to say. Maybe it's not that important, if he can just forget it. Or is he putting off telling me?

What's Wrong With Dangerous? (A Whouffle Fanfiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now