Chapter Nine

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***A/N This author's note contains spoilers about the chapter, kind of. Sorry I haven't updated for so long! This week, me and my little brother did a David Tennant Dr Who episode marathon and I saw 'The Doctor's Daughter' for the first time. It was incredible and moving, and I really wanted to do a fanfic about it, but then I thought, why not integrate it into What's Wrong With Dangerous? So here goes!***

"That's a converter," the Doctor says, inspecting it. "It can make a robotic version of a living person or object and then leave the living one free for you to take without people noticing."

"Well, isn't it slightly weird that it's just lying in the snow?" I ask.

"Yes...." he says. He turns it over and over, looking for clues.

Suddenly we hear footsteps in the snow and I drag the Doctor in behind a wall. He can't see, but I'm in the perfect position to peek out. A girl with long blonde hair in an olive green dress trips into view, falling over her own feet in the hurry she's in. She's very out of breath, and she looks slightly scared. She looks over her shoulder repeatedly as she leans her hands on her knees and tries to catch her breath.

It's then that I realise it's my friend Jenny, who works at the pub with the echo version of me.

"It's okay," I whisper to the Doctor. "It's just Jenny. I know her- she was my friend, when I was an echo."

"Jenny?" he asks. He looks pained for some reason.

"Yes, Jenny," I say. "Are you okay?"

He stops frowning, as if he's convinced himself of something inside his head.

"Yip-yup-yep," he whispers cheerily. "Why was she running?"

I peek around at Jenny again. For one anxious moment I can't see her and I wonder if she's run off again, but then I see her hiding behind a barrel, nervously looking the way she came.

"I don't know, I guess someone was chasing her. We got some weird guys at the pub," I hiss.

"Did they ever hurt you?" the Doctor demands.

"No! Calm down," I smile. "So should we stop whispering behind a wall and go and say hi to Jenny?"

The Doctor straightens his bow tie- a nervous habit of his.

"Sure," he says.


"Jenny!" I call as we step out of our hiding place. She looks up, looking as though she's just been caught, and then she smiles.

"Clara!!" she cries, and runs over to give me a hug. "Why aren't you in the pub? Are you skiving? Or did Brett let you out early?"

"Umm... Jenny," I say, "I've got some explaining to do."

"I'm listening," she says, smiling encouragingly.

"Can we not talk here?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's fine," she says. "We'll go down to the Thames. But Clara... there are some weird things happening in this city. Be careful, okay?"

"Is that what you were running from?" I ask.

"No, I was just trying to get away from some guy who was following me.  But..." She trails off. "I'll tell you when we get down to the river. You'll probably think I'm mad anyway. Who's your friend?" she asks me, raising an eyebrow. "And why were you hiding behind a wall together?"

"Shut up, Jenny!" I grin, blushing, and turn around to face the Doctor, ready to share the joke with him. He has a strange expression on his face- full of disbelief, wonder and... love?? But he's not looking at me. He's looking over my shoulder at Jenny.

"Jenny?" he whispers. "How are you alive?"

Jenny looks confused. She's not usually rude, but she sounds it when she talks to the Doctor, probably because she's worried.

"What do you mean?" she asks. "Do I know you?"

The Doctor looks like he's about to burst into tears.

"You're my daughter," he whispers.

What's Wrong With Dangerous? (A Whouffle Fanfiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now