Chapter Six

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I wake up to screaming and sit up as fast as I possibly can. The attic is dark, and I search for the matches on the stool by my bed and light a candle. The room is empty, and the screams are coming from where the Doctor is sleeping.

I go over to him and pull the covers away from his face and realise that he is having a nightmare. His face looks so hurt and pained and lost that it breaks my heart to see it. I climb into the bed and wrap my arms around him and hold him close, whispering soothing things in his ear.

"It's okay, it's just a dream, Doctor. Shhhh, it's okay. You're going to be fine!"

"Amy!" he cries. "Rory! No... please... no." He breaks off and begins to cry. I can tell he's awake now, but I don't want to disturb him or upset him more. I just let him cry, soaking the front of my dress.

"Shhh," I say, drawing my shawl around us both and stroking his hair softly. "It was just a dream."

"No," he murmurs, his voice still thick with tears. "It wasn't a dream. It happened. And I could have stopped it, but I didn't get there fast enough. It was my fault that they died!"

"Hey," I say. "I was there. I saw what happened. You couldn't help it. What they did was their choice- they knew that they had other options but that's the way they wanted to die. You gave them so much, Doctor, by letting them travel with you - they wouldn't have given it up for the world."

"They were like family," he whispers. "We used to laugh so much together- we had such good times! I was with them for so long... I thought it was last forever. It was like being a normal person at last, with a normal life."

"You are normal!" I tell him. He makes an incredulous sound. "Okay then," I say. "So maybe what you DO isn't normal. But you ARE a normal person and you're sweet and kind and gentle and lovely and everyone, including me, is lucky to have you. So don't ever blame yourself for anything bad that happens, because I KNOW that you always try your best."

He sighs.

"Everything always seems so much worse when you're tired," I tell him. "You should get some sleep." I begin to get out of his bed, but he pulls me back.

"Stay," he whispers, so I get my duvet and put it over the top of his and hold him as we fall asleep.

What's Wrong With Dangerous? (A Whouffle Fanfiction) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora