Çhapter 1 ❤

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My life hasn't exactly a piece of cake dealing with ways to be cool and educated. Since I got my own house, fresh out of college, I've been between jobs. I can't stay employed at one place more than a month, at most, three. I guess I'm just too smart.

I got fired yesterday so I'm taking a walk of shame this morning. I stare at the ground. Suddenly, a tall guy with long curls runs into me.

"Hey, watch it bud!" He scowls angrily. He is on the ground, deep frown etched on his face. His deep green eyes gazing into my hazel colored ones. His pupils visibly dilate. Maybe because the sun is right behind me, my subconscious butts in.

"I'm sorry, bro. I didn't see ya." I say after a few seconds. He grunts as he stands. He's tall...

"Really? You really didn't see me, I'm the tallest person out here at this hour!" He exclaims and I jump. It's about eight in the morning, so, I guess.

I look him up, "I really didn't see ya, mate. Jeez, I said I'm sorry." I snapped, trying not to stare at how his brows furrow when he's flustered. He looks at me, confused at my comeback, I guess. His eyes soften before softly chuckling to himself.

"Nice quiff." He flicks my hair and walks the other way.

Where the hell did that come from?


I walk back home, annoyed and confused. Who was that guy? I look in the mirror by my door and attempt to fix my infamous quiff. I'm thinking about dying it soon. Maybe... blonde?

My phone rings in my back pocket and I quickly pull it out. Liam.

"Heyy, Lima Bean." I spoke jokingly into the phone. He groans incoherently.

"You said you'd stop calling me that. You liar." He responds.

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"Yes," He breathes, "yes I am. You said you'd stop"

"So what? I lied" I say and he chuckles.

"My point exactly." I hear him mumble. I sigh.

"So," I attempt to change the subject, "how's the family?"

"Good?" He tells me, though it sounds more like a question. I wanna ask him what's up, but I decide against it. "Hey, are you gonna plan another house party?"

I haven't planned one in a while, "Sure." I speak and I can practically see his grin.

"Alright, tell me so I can let the guys know ahead of time"

"Maybe sometime next week, my mum is coming down to visit me tomorrow and Friday."

Moments later I hear a girl ask him, "Who's on the phone, babe?"

He whispers back to her,"No one, go back to sleep." His bed shifts slightly before he speaks again. "Cool, I'll tell everyone."

"Still a player, I see."

He laughs. "You know me." Yes, yes I do. He's been like this since I met him. I've watched crying women run out of his house, after learning the truth about him. I'd never be able to do that to those poor girls. I've seen more than three crying virgins run away from the house because he didn't love them. I can't do that.

"Hello? Zayn? You still there?"

"Yeah, just... thinking." I half lie.

"Ok, well, I've gotta go before this... chick wakes back up." He dismisses himself. We say our goodbyes and he hangs up.

I sigh. I need a girlfriend. My doorbell rings and I groan loudly before announcing my approach.

"Package for Zayn Malik?" The postman says.

"That's me." I reply hesitantly. I sign for the package and he leaves. As I walk in, I close the door with my foot and place the box on the floor. I stare at it for a moment then go to get a box cutter.

I slowly walk back down the stairs, box cutter in hand. I kneel down to the box and open it.


It's, it's a box of... seeds, paint sets, and books and magazines. I didn't order this. I mean, I like it, but I didn't order it. I turn the flap over.

From: Anonymous

To:Zayn Malik
2894 Winfield St.
Hampshire, Britain

"Who..." I search for words.

There's a note inside under the stuff. 'I know what you like. You're welcome.' Secret admirer? Stalker?

I put the items back into the box and push it to the side. I sit on my comfy reclining chair and turn the T.V. on.

Whoever sent that is just plain creepy. Unless it was a neighbor, then that's different. I know it's not my ex, she hates my guts.

All I can do if ponder over the same question over and over: Who sent that package?

(First chapter, whaddaya think? How would you have felt if there was a bomb in that package? Lol, just kidding. But from One Directioner to... Others, plz answer honestly, did you like it?

Comment comment comment!!)

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