Çhapter 9 ❤

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*Narrator's POV*

It took almost two and a half more hours for Zayn and Harry to finally reach Holmes Chapel.

Zayn continued to question himself about the feeling he may or may not be feeling. Was it really love that he felt? Or was it just awkward chest pains?

Harry fell asleep an hour ago. Zayn kept looking over to him, his hair flying in the wind that was flowing through his open window.

He looks like a beautiful angel. Zayn occasionally thought. He pulled up to a small rest stop and shook Harry awake to have him go to the restroom.

The boys went into their separate stalls and did what they had to do, immediately after, washing their hands. Zayn looked at Harry with a look of lust and amazement.

Lustful at how handsome his best mate's boyfriend was. Amazed at how he was feeling lustful. He smiled at him and walked out moments before Harry did.

They walk back to the truck and get in, both feeling a little happy.

Before he can think about what he's about to do, again, Harry dives over the center console and grabs Zayn's perfect jaw. Zayn doesn't pull back in surprise, instead, he goes with Harry.

Neither one if them noticing the two thirteen year old girls in front of the truck staring at them and fangirling.

*Harry's POV*

I didn't expect Zayn to go with me kissing him. But he did, his lips perfectly molding together with mine. I close my eyes and deepen the kiss. Zayn slides his tongue over my bottom lip and I open my mouth to him, allowing his tongue to roam my mouth.

As his tongue begins to lap mine, I feel myself getting hard, so I pull away.

His hazel-coloured orbs staring into mine, panting heavily, we pull away from each other to see a couple of teenage girls staring at us giggling and smiling.

"Let's go." Zayn suggests. I nod and he puts the car in gear and backs out of the rest stop. I look to him again to see his lips are a light shade of red and swollen.

My eyes start to get heavy again and in a matter of about five minutes, I'm asleep again.

*Zayn's POV*

I pull to the hotel Harry and I are staying in and see that harry fell back to sleep. I poke his dimple and smirk, seeing him squirm. I poke his dimple again and he awakens. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and nod my head toward the hotel. He looks up at the tall building and sighs.

"Ah, Holmes. Beautiful, yeah?" He smiles, looking around. You're pretty damn beautiful. I think. I nod and open the back of the truck to get our luggage out. I brought a rolling suitcase, so, since I have less to carry, I end up carrying mine and one of Harry's cases.

Harry walks happily up to the hotel.

I walk behind him and smile as his curls bounce when he walks. God, why is his hair so long? He needs to get it cut but I don't want him to. I want it long so there's more I can pull at when-

I cut off my dirty thoughts before they get out of hand. I pull through the sliding doors of the hotel and gasp when I see that the building is huge with chandeliers and neat, fancy rugs. There is a marble floor and I can see my reflection in it. Nice.

My gaze is directed toward the helpful hand of a young, proper-looking boy, who takes our bags and places them on a cart.

I thank him as he brings out bags to the front desk. We walk behind him and take the cart when he gets us to the desk.

"What type of room would you and your friend like, sir?"

"We would like a two bed suite. No use in wasting money on another room, huh?" I smile. He offers a fake smile and walks away to get our room key.

Harry and I look around before the guy can come back to give us our keys.

When he does, he shows us to our room and we thank him. Well, I thank him.

"Ahhh, nothing like sleep after a three hour drive." Harry flops on his bed.

I sigh, "You slept most of the way here." He smiles and I feel my stomach drop in happiness. No, this is my best mate's boyfriend. I can't do this.

"I know." He places his arms behind his head and closes his eyes. I groan and make my way to my bed. I flop onto it face first and fall right asleep.

A long day of driving can do this to you.

(Am I crazy for staying up from 12:00 p.m. -5:29 a.m.+? I feel hungry and - a little tired [the dash represents how tired I am] I am so bored tho. That picture makes me laugh every time I look at it! El oh el

Look at Zayn and Louis faces! ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿)

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