Author's Note (READ, I NEED SUPPORT)

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I haven't been updating as much because I have a serious problem.

I had an EEG about a year ago and the doctors told my grandfather and I that I had seizure activity on the right side of my brain.

I haven't been to school at all this week due to leg spasms.

My legs have been spasming since black Friday and I have been laying on my dad's couch since then.

I was going to go to school today (12/3/15 my baby brother's birthday) but, my leg started spasming.

Doctors call it "Restless leg syndrome" but I know that's not what this is.

Now I'm on my fooking period, which is probably causing a chemical imbalance, making the spasms continue. I've had my pills refilled since Monday.

My dad told me it slowed because I started getting the medication back into my system.

(If you have a doctor in your family, or you know one, ask them about 'Tegritol' [teh-grit-all] and comment what they told you about it)

I don't know what'll help.

This is the longest time this has ever happened. Usually it's less than a day. It stops after I have the seizure. I haven't had it. I'm scared.

Like I said, it's been almost a week.

Toni (@ForbiddenYouth ?), if you're reading this, I'm okay, don't tell everybody that I'm not. Don't cause a fright, I'll tell them if I want to...

If I start to spasm and I panic, it makes it worse and I can have a panic attack.

I've been wearing the same shoes since Friday, they stink, but I can't take them off. I'm too scared to.

I can get upstairs and downstairs without any help sometimes. Other times, my dad helps me. He sometimes helps me when I have to use the bathroom. (Not like that.)

I have to eat with my medication, even when I'm not hungry.

I don't have WiFi at my house, so I can't publish this here. It'll get published when I get better.

I won't be able to go to my baby brother's birthday party.

I'm so sorry that I'm putting all this on you guys, but I've gotta vent.

This is probably gonna continue...

I finished this before the 7th chapter. Thank you for reading this. Bye.

Zarry Stylik (BoyxBoy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ