Chapter 2

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»Nia's POV«
I walk out into the frigid air as I hold Kendall's hand. We'd just gotten done buying some cheap toy with her birthday money.

I was pulling into my neighborhood, on the road that was usually empty, when a dog ran in front of my car.

I slam on the brakes, and my hand shoots across Kendall's chest, just in case the airbag were to somehow deploy and damage the small child.

Note to self: don't put Kendall in the front seat.

She looks up for a moment, then goes back the playing with a weird off brand Barbie doll she just bought with her money at the dollar store.

Once we pull in the driveway, we walk into the house. It's two storys, and has four bedrooms. It also has basement, which doubles as a guest room since we put a pull out couch in there.

I walk in the living room to see Lucas, Oliver, and Matthew setting our Christmas tree up.

When Kendall sees, she gets exited and drops her Barbie doll, and goes to help decorate. I pick it up, and walk to her room.

We try to keep our house organized. Kendall's room has her bed in one corner, toy box in another, bins for socks and shoes and other stuff in a different corner, a small closet, and a huge pile of stuffed animals towering over the bed.

I walk over to the toy box, and drop the Barbie in. It looks kind of weird. The hair is really messy and some sort of weird orange, brown, and red color. Her eyes are a strange shade of blue and purple, and she's wearing a purple and pink striped shirt with a white, long, flowy skirt, and a black and white polka dotted jacket.

These toy company's are really going downhill lately.

I walk back downstairs to see the Christmas tree plugged in. Right then, I get a text from an unknown number.

Watch your back

Hello. How goes you life? Mine's good. This chapter is kinda like a filler chapter, kinda not, yanno.

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