Chapter 11

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»Chloe's POV«
Watch out

I quickly put my phone down, not having time to think about it. I buckle Max and Olivia into their booster seats, and put the car into drive. We go home, and I make the kids some sandwiches.

"Hey! How come Olivia's sandwich has more peanut butter?" Max demands.

"Because I'm the favorite," Olivia responds.

"No you're not! Mom accidentally gave you more!"


I quickly grabbed Max's sandwich out of his hands, and put some more peanut butter on it.

"Now Max has more peanut butter! That's not fair! I want more!" Olivia pouts.

"Ok! We're going to go get fast food! After that, we'll go shopping for your outfits for the Christmas party. Dad should be home by the time we get back."

But of course, as soon as we get in the car, there's another fight.

"So...we're going to Wendy's, right?" Olivia asks.

"No, we're going to Taco Bell," Max replies.

"Mother! Your idiotic son keeps yelling at me for stupid things! Would you please tell the child to stop?" Olivia screams.

"Don't call your brother an idiot. And both of you quit screaming, or you won't be going to the Christmas party."

They shut up after that.

I pulled into Arby's, and the kids didn't protest. Once we left, I went to Kohl's to find them a nice outfit.

"Olivia, c'mon. Let's go try this on," I say, holding up a dress with flowers with white petals, red centers, and a black background.

"Ew, it's ugly," Max states, wrinkling his nose.

I'm about to ground this child.

"No it's not! It's much prettier than what you're getting!" Olivia screams, pointing to the black dress pants, light blue button up shirt, and black bow tie.

Guys, stop. Both of your outfits are nice," I say, hurriedly shoving Olivia into the dressing room. "Do you need me to go in there with you?"

"Mom, I'll be five in seven months. I'm fine."

"Ok," I sigh.

She's been in the dressing room for a while. After few more minutes, she comes out.

"I doesn't fit," she tells us. The dress is probably two sizes too big.

"What took you so long?" Max groans.

"I had to take the tag off," Olivia says, holding up the price tag she tore off the dress. I slap my hand to my forehead, and let out an exasperated sigh. I have to buy the dress now, since she took the stupid price tag off.

We find the same dress in the correct size, then leave. It's 8:00 now, and I still have to go to the shoe store. Since I already spent so much money on two dresses, I decide to go to Payless. Of course, as soon as soon as we get there Max gets all excited and knocks over a show display. Which they make us clean up, which took fifteen minutes. Then, Olivia demanded I buy her pink Skechers.

"Mom! I want these, not ugly black ones!"

"Liv, those don't match."

"I don't care! They're pretty and I want them!"

"What about these red ones?" Max asks, holding up and adorable pair of sandals. She looks at them curiously, then snatches them from his hands.

"Here," I say, handing a pair of black dress shoes to Max. He shrugs, then slips them on.

"Do you like them?"

"I guess."

Good enough. I'm eager to get out of here.

We go up to pay, then get in the car. It's 9:00 by the time we get home. I say hello to Ricky, then give the twins to him so he can give them their bath.

I walk to the living room, turn on the tv, and relax for about thirty minutes, when I realize I forgot desert for Kendall's party. I slap my hand to my forehead for what feels like the millionth time that day.

"I forgot dessert for Kendall's party, I'm going to Walmart," I yell.

As I'm leaving the store, a dog runs in front of the car, and out of pure shock, I swerve to the right.

I hit a tree, and can't help but think I'm dead.

Hi. So we all know Chloe's fine, from previous chapters. But it seemed suspenseful. 🚨 This chapter is somewhat edited, I skimmed through it, and fixed like two or three mistakes. Ik there's more, and il let to get to them soon 🚨

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