Chapter 8

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»Paige's POV«
I sigh as I walk out of the school. One of the kids I teach thought it would be a good idea to glue their shoe to a desk, so I had to help with that. When we were outside, one of them jumped off the swings and landed in the mulch with a scraped knee. Another decided to color all over the desk with a crayon.

I walked up to the door of my small house to hear Snoopy barking. I let him outside to do his business, then sat on the couch.

Luna, my favorite of the two cats, sits next to me. Catniss struts past the couch and glares at me. She hates me, even though I feed her well and keep a roof over her head.

I get a text from Kendall about her annual Christmas party. Maddie won't be able to come, and Mackenzie can't make it this year.

As soon as I set my phone down, it vibrates again.

Hey, did Kendall tell you about the party?

Yeah! I'm definitely coming

No...I meant did she tell you about Brooke


Oh... I'm guessing she didn't. Do you want to know??

I guess...

She's coming. To the party.
End of convo>>

Oh. Oh my gosh. I haven't seen Brooke in years. It's not like I have to hang out with all night, right? I mean, I won't be rude. I'll come over and say hi, ask how she's been, and avoid her for the rest of the night. It'll be fine.

My phone vibrates again, interrupting my thoughts.

You'll probably regret going

Hi. IM SOSOSOSOSOSOOSOSOSO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN 265051858 YEARS. anyway, thanks for 100 reads on this, and 300 reads on Accused.

And shoutout to my internet bestie _lapis_  😊😊

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