Chapter 3

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»Maddie's POV«
I hold Sophia's hand as she lays flowers on Gino's grave.

She says in her young voice,"Daddy's gone?"

"Daddy's gone", is all I can manage to say. Sophia turned out to be an adorable child. Her hair is up in a knot, and she's got on an adorable headband and a pink and white polka dotted dress.

We walk up to my cherry red Ferrari–Gino and I are huge Adam Sandler fans. We used to golf together–Happy Gilmore was our favorite Adam Sandler movie.

I buckle Sophia into her car seat. She's holding her stuffed kitten she's had since she was a newborn.

Once we got home, I laid her down for her nap.

As I was walking back downstairs, I tripped on something on the stairs. I tried not to scream, since Sophia was sleeping, and grabbed the banister just in time.

I looked down, and I had tripped on...a twenty pound weight? I don't have any weights in the house. Oh well. I picked it up and put it in the closet where Sophia wouldn't find it and hurt herself.

I'm really stressed, since Sophia and I are visiting Kenzie in England for two weeks. I haven't even started packing yet, and we're leaving next week. I decided to make myself a cup of coffee to calm myself.

As soon as I sit down with my favorite mug that I got for Christmas last year from Chloe, I got a text.

Watch your back

Hi!😊 I'll try to update more often than I have been. I published like 37485839 chapters yesterday to make up for it. Anyway, read my internet best friends books coolestlukasiak  _lapis_ and OMGZIEGLER

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