Chapter 7

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»Chloe's POV«
"Max, put that down!" I frantically shout as I chase the twins around the store.

"Mom, look!" Olivia shouted from the end of the aisle, holding a package of cookies over her head.

"Not today," I tell her.

"Olivia, look! They have chocolate milk!" Max said while shoving the milk into the cart. I quickly take it out, and see Max ripping open a bag of chips.

I take the bag and throw it in the cart, knowing I have to pay for it since it has been open.

"Mom can we please get this?"

"Hey, Max! I bet I can climb the selves faster than you can!"

"Nuh-uh, I'm older,
so I'm faster."

"You're only older by fifteen minutes."

"Kids, no. Do not climb the shelves."

"Hey! Look! That lady has a puppy in her purse! C'mon Olivia, let's go pet it."

"I don't wanna pet it. It looks mean. Hey mom, let's get this. It looks really good."

"No, mom! Get this is instead! I bet it tastes better than that gross, chocolate cake. Red velvet is better than anything!"

"No it's not! Chocolate is!"


"Yes it is!"

"Okay, stop. Let's go check out."

"But mom! The red velvet cake looks so-"

"No. Let's go." Max and Olivia groan as I pull them to the check out at Walmart.

"Chloe!" I hear someone call my name. I jerk my head up from counting my money.

"Brooke! I haven't seen you in years! How are you?"

"Good. I've gotten better. A lot better."

"That's good. You know, Kendall's hosting her annual Christmas party next week, and I'm sure she won't mind if you come. We'll all be there–except Maddie and Kenzie. They're usually a lot of fun, unless you have to watch kids. Which, I do. And so does Kendall. And Nia. But I guess watching two kids isn't so bad, considering Nia has to watch three." I stop, realizing I'm rambling.

She looks hesitant.

"Paige will be there?"

They haven't talked in years.

"Yeah, but you don't have to go of you don't want to."

"No, I want to go!" She said quickly.

"Do we get to go?" Olivia asks.

"Yes, you go every year."

"Is dad going?"

"Yes, he goes every year, too."

"I don't wanna go. There'll probably be chocolate cake there," Max says, making a face.

"Well, you're going."

"Well, I guess I'll see you at the party," says Brooke.

"Okay, nice seeing you!"

After we get in the car, I get a text. I glance at my phone.

Watch out

Hi. So, there's one more chapter like this. I really hope you like this so far.

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