C.2. A Safehouse of Sorts

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I'm suddenly awake and lying on a comfy blanket placed on the hard concrete ground. I sit up and wonder at where I am now.

The surroundings, that had previously been my lounge room, was now a ginormous empty warehouse. I decide to investigate an open door on the other side. I get up and start walking towards the only known way out, but I stop. Something doesn't feel right.

"I see you've woken up," I freeze, "I didn't want to wake you, you seemed comfortable."

I turn around and there he is. That strange mysterious man who surprised me at my apartment.

"What the hell! Where am I?" I ask, showing clear threat in my voice.
"Somewhere safe. They found your apartment and ransacked it. Now they're looking around for you." He somehow sees my confusion, "Don't worry, they didn't know about me or this place. Well, they didn't. I can't say that now." He says convincingly.

"What?" I reply angrily, "What is with you! Who are 'they'! Why have you brought me here! WHY ME!"

He seems to have been surprised at my obvious sudden outburst. I spin around and look at the open door. I turn back to him and my anger turns to confusion.

He's gone. He disappeared out of no-where.

First he appears and now he is gone again. How...?
"Summer, you are much more than you think you are." I jump in response.

I spin around and there he is, again. This time in between me and the only way out.
"But...? How... Who are you? And... how did you just do that...?" I enquire, again failing to hide my confusion.

"Well... I'm Jack... Umm... Jack Hunter ."

"Jack Hunter?" I ask. He does a small bow.

"That's me. I'm nineteen years old, I come from the UK and I'm insanely popular." He says sarcastically, "More will be explained later once we-"

"There's will be no later!" I yell weakly, "I... Ah... Have two kids! And... And a husband! And I need to get home to... care for them..." I stare at him coldly, hoping that he believes my lie. He stares back at me with his strange warm smile.

"Summer," he says, "it's no use lying to me. I already know so much about you." I give him a confused look and he continues.

"Well, you're eighteen years old, you don't have any siblings and hardly any friends. You hate working at Juice Market almost everyday and you don't have enough to to own a car. Sometimes, you feel you have no family as your mother went missing when you were... Umm... twelve and your father hasn't been the best dad. You don't talk to him or his numerous girlfriends anymore and you've been single for..." He smiles cheekily, " a while. Oh! And your favourite shirt is the blue one that says 'carful what you wish for.'" He finishes with is usual smile.

I just stand there, gaping at Jack.
"How the heck could you know that? Have you been stalking me?" I say, narrowing my eyes.

He looks ask at me a bit sheepishly.
"Not quite stalking, more like gathering useful information... Anyway! I am here to tell you that your special. You are powerful and amazing and..." He lowers his voice, "dangerous."

"What!" I reply, "I'm not... I'm not special  or powerful or amazing! I'm just... Ordinary. Wait...? Dangerous! How could I be dangerous?"

He suddenly look disappointed. "You and me are alike. We share the same strength and power, you perhaps even more."

My mind was still lingering back at the dangerous part.
"How could I be dangerous! Will I... Think you to death!?" I sarcastically ask.

"Well...you could say that." Jack replies to my confusion. He taps the side of his head and smiles his famous smile.

If suddenly feels like the air around me is compressing. My heart rate quickens as I try to move. I can't. I glance back at Jack and he seems very calm.

His eyes slowly flick up as I busy myself trying to move again. It feels like some sort of force is holding me tight. I close my eyes to try and visualise what I feel. I want to ask what's happening but I can't work out how to say it all quickly. I look down to see it there is anything is actually visible and scream.

I am slowly rising in the air, now more that a meter above the ground. I glance forwards and see Jack floating just across from me in the air as well.

In the split second that I wasn't panicking, I somehow knew that Jack was the reason of this. My terror must have startled him as we are quickly lowered back to the hard ground. I still can't move but his grip is loosening.

"I'm sorry! Please don't scream! I am so sorry! I didn't mean..." He says, "I just thought you were..."


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