C.13. A Trip Outside

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Four days later...
"Thanks jack." I say suddenly.
"For what? All I've done is show you the light." He chuckles.
"Really? For helping me, for saving me, and you know, for pulling me into this mess in the first place." I joke back, "But seriously, thanks for taking me out."
"Oh I'm taking you out?" He jokes back.
"Shut up! I mean bringing me out here. Away from HQ and out to the fresh air." I say, falling backwards onto the soft green grass.

I look up to the bright blue sky, it's strange how pretty nature can become after only a few days away from it. I watch the large seagulls fly against the wind, desperately trying to get to the fresh hot chips thrown away by a young couple. Jack chuckles as they fight over the last remaining pieces of crumbed fish. He turns and flops down next to me, landing on what seems to be the only dry spot.

"Well," he starts, "I remember you told me about your desire to see the world, and I thought you needed some air. I mean, what's a better place than Italy?"
"It's pretty cold, and it rained. Sooo..." I joke. He sighs happily.

I turn back to the seagulls but they seemed to have gotten every piece and flown away. I search around, but all I find is a dreamy eyed Irishman starring back at me. I flow into his eyes, finding that his bright blues perfectly matched the sky. He finally pulls out of dream-boy mode and quickly turns away, I can tell he's embarrassed. It took a few minutes for anyone to talk again.

"I promised Irena that we would get back by the time breakfast is ready, yes that means we're already late," he says as I pull myself up, groaning all the way. "I know, I know. But it's still dangerous, and the Snatchers have eyes everywhere. For all I know, there could be one here. And you aren't trained enough. But don't worry, I might take you... Umm... I mean, we can go out another time."

He stands up and takes my hand to pull me up afterwards. We make our way out of the large park and head into one of the alleyways. Jack waves his hand to head into one next to a gelato shop Jack took me to first. I can't believe how nice the ice cream is here, too bad I have to leave so soon. We get to the end of the ally, making sure that no-one is watching. He takes my hands and I close my eyes. The familiar sensation follows, we're obviously travelling back to who knows where.

The feeling stops and I open my eye. Again, Jack is starring dreamy eyed at me. A thought crosses his mind and he drops my hands. He almost seems to forget I'm there as guilt crosses his face. He looks into my eyes agin and I instantly feel something is wrong. Not in a really bad way, but it's still feels terrible. I search hips eyes and find that they looked darker for some reason. It must be the lighting or something...

"Sorry." He whispers, almost to himself. The usual happiness he carried with him disappeared. He then pushed past me and rushed out the bare grey door, leaving me to wonder why. I try to follow him out the door, but I as I leave the small white room, Jack is no longer in sight. I wonder what he's on about. I guess I'll just go make my own fun.

I start walking and find myself in front of one of the boxing rings, currently being used. The girl I saw before, I think her name was Bella, was beating up a rather sad-looking punching bag. It was a few moment before she noticed me watching, she looked back and delivered a rather fierce blow that caused the bag to split and dribble slowly.

"Cool!" I comment, which causes her to turn around and smile.
"Thanks, the names Isabella Edwards, but call me Bella. I saw you before with that Jack guy, so you're new here? I'm heading to the canteen soon, so what's your name?" She replies, her voice much higher than I thought it would be.
"Summer." I smile, "Yeah I'm new, so is that some sort of power or are you just really strong."
She chuckles cheerfully, "Yeah it is, I'm no hulk, but I could snap your neck."

This seems like a good time to leave. I wave goodbye to my new 'friend'. Or at least I hope she's a friend. I would not want to be in her bad side. I start walking again and push the green cliché canteen doors. I'm instantly met with the strong aroma of freshly cooked bacon, warm toast, and baked beans. My mind still haven't adjusted to the time this place runs on. Jack told me that this isn't the only safe house there is, but it's the safest apparently.

Jack also told me that most of the people who live here, once they finish their training, they usually leave to go back to their own countries. However, with the Snatchers increasing their numbers, and many supers getting captured, everyone left has started to live in safe houses across the globe. I don't even call myself a super, 'cause really, I'm no super. I can barely lift a tiny plastic ball off my hand for more than a few seconds. Jack claims that it's normal, but he also claims that he was lifting himself off the ground by the age of twelve. Anyway, what was going on with him. He just rushed out, like how much fun we had didn't matter.

I am so deep in thought that I bumped a girl holding a tray of bacon and eggs, which I knocked to the ground. I quickly bend down and pick up the tray from the floor.
"Aww man, I'm gonna have to walk back and get some more." She groaned lazily.
"Sorry," I apologised, realising that it was the girl I had seen less than three minutes ago, "Bella? I thought you were in the punching ring?"
"Huh? I teleported?" I gave her a confused look, "You do know you can teleport when you are inside H.Q, you just can't teleport in or out." She smiled, took the tray from my hands and skipped back to the breakfast table holding the bacon and eggs.

I search around the room, wondering if Jack had decided to sit down in the overly stocked room to sort out his problems. Nope, no sight of any green hair, but I do see a familiar face. Right in the corner, near the back, are two dark haired guys. It's Dan and Phil. I've been meaning to say hi ever since I met them a few days ago.

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