The Stoney Creek Secret #3

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I was still staring at his face. NO WAY. NO FREAKING WAY. I closed my eyes and opened them again to see the same face. It couldnt be. He was so nice. And, and...HOW?

"Surprise eh?" he said in that voice of his. it didnt match his expression, he looked daggers.

"uhh..I uh, " i stuttered. How did my Science teacher, the nicest person i know turn out to have some double life that involved kidnapping and stabbing innocent people. Atleast i think im innocent.

"DAD! Great job." the 17 year old moaned.

"Yeah Yeah. Now she knows its me, Carl Messer but think about it Gabe.. I mean when we show her why we do this she'll understand. We are NOT the bad guys. Remeber?" Mr.M tired to convince his son. They were the GOOD GUYS? What the hell? No way, they obviously were the bad guys. i mean they freaking stabbed me in the back with knife for christ sake! I looked up to Gabe. Gabe? I heard about him, Mr.M would always talk about his son and how he decided to go to the other school right out of Stoney Creek for he didnt want to be 'embarrased' by his dad.

"What the fuck! DAAADDD!" Gabe dragged out the A in dad. Man was he mad. He picked up Meg and picked her up bridal style and walked over to what seemed like a kitchen. He racked the cabniets for something, probably a Medical-Kit. I turned around to Mr.M and he was staring at me intently.

"So Ms.Williams? What do yo think? Are you going to try to scream? Cry? Run? im waiting darling." He breathed a laugh.

"Dont u call me 'darling' u sicko." I shouted lifting my head. No way was he going to get away with teasing me now. Then i realised he still had the knife in his hand. He must've seen my expression on my face because then he had me pinned down on the floor within seconds.

"Oh, ill call you what i want and you'll obey weather you like it or not. Im the boss here so deal with it." He whispered into my ear.

"B-b-but i thought u said you were the good guy?" My resonse came out as a murmur.

"No i didnt say exactly that. I said we wernt the BAD GUYS. Not exactly the good guys YET darling." He smirked and got off of me. I looked at him with a not so friendly grin on my face and turned around to Meg. I could hear her whimpering quietly.

"MEGAN!" I cried. i ran over to the kitchen and looked at her face. She had bloodshot eyed and there was crimson liquid everywhere. Gabe was trying to do his best but it looked like she needed real medical attention. "Uhmm, Gabe?" i looked over to him. He had pulled his mask off and what can i say? He was gorgeos. He had dark brown or black hair, i couldnt really tell and he had the best tan i had ever seen, EVER! Oh , and those eyes! Grey homy eyes. Not my favorite, i really liked hazel or green, but his eyes were such a rare shade of grey. He did look alot like Mr.M, but a much younger version. I realised i was staring just then.

"Yes?" He sounded like he had repeated himself. Gosh, how could i be looking at how hot he was at a time like this? I need to get it together! VANNESSA WILLIAMS, CHILL.

"Uhmm, i think i have some uh..eqiupment at my house. You know my mom's a..a.." i couldnt finish my sentence.

"A .. Doctor?" he finished my sentence. Oh my, i guess he gets this impression alot. "You know, this is one reason i kept the mask on." he looked at me, his eyes scanning my body. When he reached my face he gave me a smile. I smiled back. NESSA! WHAT DID I SAY LIKE TWO SECONDS AGO? Gosh, okay. Get. It. Together.

"Hahah, yeah. Sorry, im a little..Dazzeled? Yeah. I thought you were uh, some uh..old man?" I laughed then saw his confused expression. "Oh no, not that theres nothing wrong with that i mean you know old people are uh, wise and stuff. right?" I faked a laugh and i kicked myself inside. What a loser! He must think i have issues. Goddammit. Okay, focus on whats important here. Wait, what am i here for? OH FUCK. MEG.

"Yeahh, thats fine. Well lets go to your place." He laughed at that. Whoah talk about immature. I follwed his lead. We walked out the garage door and i found myself infront of a BMW! Whoah, nice car. I wonder how he earns it with his dads teacher salary. I bet its cause of what they do...kidnapping and stuff. I wonder how much theyre gonna ask for when the contact my folks. We arent exactly poor but i mean we just dont give away money. I also worried about Meg. her mom was going through a rough time. and her dad had walked out on them last year. Maybe my parents would help? No. They hated Meg, but they arent that full of crap, so maybe..? I shook my head as if to get rid of those thoughts. Gabe opened the back door and carefully lay Meg down.

"Uhm..i guess ill put myself in the trunk. you know? Make it easier for you" I started walking to the trunk but Gabe grabbed my arm a little to tight.

"Okay, you have now idea what we are doing here so dont jump to any conclusions. So far all i know is that you arent one of those preppy bitchy girls who would be freaking out right now. But i cant be sure. I want you to know, we wont hurt you unless you give us a reason. And my dad says ur pretty smart so i hope u make the right desisions for the next few days." He let go of my arm after giving me a death stare. He looked kind of hot when he was pissed, in a weird way. But i tried to put a brave look on my face.

"Yes. Your Majesty." I made a face and to annnoy him a little more i also did a curtsey. That got a laugh out of him. WOW, he was even cuter when he laughed. Man, i really do have issues. "So do i or dont i go in the trunk?" I asked.

"Ofcourse..Not." He smiled and jumped into the drivers seat. A few seconds later Mr.M joined us and we were off. To my house. They had no idea what they were doing. it was like walking the murderer to his gun. All i had to do was play dumb then when i had the chance id be free, and theyd be ..


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