The Stoney Creek Secret #9

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Sorry i toook so long guys. i really am! well here you go! :D enjoy & be fan and vote .

The Stoney Creek Secret #9

Now we were all squished in the car. It was kind of comfortable in a way. Mr M was driving because Gabe had to watch Meg in the back. Kyle was then in the front - and may i say without a lock binding his hands together - and i was in the back. Yes, with Gabe, but also Megs. It was oddly comfortable, because Gabe's warmth was just radiating and i couldn't help but drift off into a deep slumber while resting on his shoulder.


I stood up and i knew i was dreaming. I had to be .. i mean the ground isn't purple in real life. I looked around nervously, wondering if this was a sick nightmare or not. I saw Gabe off in the distance.. or i thought it was him. I walked towards him and found he was drenched in sweat. I could see his chiseled abs through his light t-shirt. I shook my thoughts to focus of what was happening, he was running towards be with a not so delighted look on his face.

"NESSSSAAA!" he shouted. He sounded hurt, or like he was in dear pain.

"Gabe! What is it?" i asked curiously. Whats going on? Is this a nightmare?

"There's no time. Go now, HURRY!" He approched me and grabbed my arms violently.

"What do you mean no time? I dont understand.." I was in tears now and i had no idea why.

"Just go, its almost time. Its happening." He looked into my eyes then .. kissed me on the lips hard and ran off into the distance. I, not knowing what to do, stood their watching his body leave me there crying into my hands. Then ....

i woke up.

"Nessa? Neeeessa? We're here." I woke up to Gabes eyes all in my face. Whooah . Definitley not the worst way to wake up. I looked around and realized we were still in the car, only Mr M, Kyle and Megs were all gone. It was just me and Gabe.

"Umm.. Where's here?" i asked raising an eyebrow.

"Here, there, everywhere. It doesn't matter, because you don't need to know. Just come with me and be really really quiet." He looked into my eyes with a very serious look. All i could do was obey. I got out of the car to find myself in a garage. Hmm, funny, why did i not need to know? I looked at Gabe who motioned me to follow him though a the door. I did what i was supposed to do and ended up in a hall of some sort. There were pictures every where of old bearded men. This day could not get any stranger.

"Vanessa. We've been waiting for you." I turned around to see a man who resembled all the very old men in the paintings. Only he was about 18 years old. And way more attractive. screw this, he was HOT.

"Umm, and you are?" I stuttered.

"This is Tyler Blurixcja (blue ricks see ya) and he's the head of this mission i told you about." Gabe said. Blurixcja, what an odd name.

"Thanks for the intro Gabe. Yeah im serbian thats why my last names so weird. Okay come with me i gotta show you some crazy shit. You too Vana." He took my hand in his, and boy was he warm. Its like he had just been out in the 100 degree august weather . Only were in December and its nearly snowing out.

"Its Nessa." I corrected him.

"mmp whatever ill call you Vana, i think it sounds better." He looked at me and shrugged it off. I actually didnt care as i stared into the bluest eyes id ever seen, they were so bright and full of life. Nothing like Gabes grey calming homy eyes. I mean i loved his. but Tylers were like, i mean .. ahhh! you could just jump into them! oh my god. wow.

"Lead the way Blurixcja." Gabe grumbled, sort of, and grabbed my hand. I turned to look at him and he just let go and followed Tyler. Im sorry but.. did i miss anything? Tyler just grunted and moved along. Ignoring what just happend i went up to Gabe to get some answers about what was going on.

"So whats this?"

"Well its basically the mission. They need to show you because youll be the one operating alot of it." He said looking at me. Dang, his eyes were just as amazing as Tylers, just in a different way. Wait, did he say I'D be operating this mission of his? WTF?

"Umm excuse me? Im operating this suicide mission to kill the earth? I dont think so hun." I pointed my finger at him suddenly getting all mad.

"Calm down woman. Its not a suicide mission we're doing. We are trying to stop our dads from 'killing the earth' gee, you didnt say she was such a tree hugger Gabe." Tyler huffed. What? Wait, so they are working together only to fool their dads?

"Wait, whos your dad? And why are you trying to stop this? I thought you were on board with this gabe? And, i dont get this thing full anyway. Whats happening?" asked all confused all of a sudden. Some one needed to explain something, and quick.

So what do you think? I kind of know where i am going, but if you have any ideasssssss ...

HELP :D haha thankyouuus x

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& ocoursee ah...





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