The Stoney Creek Secret #8

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ive been a little sick latley so i havent been able to TOUCH my computer. my mother believes that you can rest only by sleeping, but sleeping is

BO-RINNG. sheesh, but yeah heres chp 8 ! ENJOY and COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT !

oh and reggie will be uploaded SOON SOON SOOOON xD heh, oh VOTE TOO <3

Nessa's POV.

I was done cleaning Megs nose. She didnt do much, she ony fractured it. I wrapped it up in a bandage and left it at that. there wasnt much i could do but leave it and let it heal by itself. I wouldt make any eye contact with Gabe at all. I would never look at him again if it killed me.

'Vanessa?' Oh so he was back to calling me by my first name.

'That is my name last time i checked.' I said sarcastically.

'Sorry.' He mumbled.

'Apology not accepted.' i shooted back. I walked over to Kyle who was asleep on the couch. I wasnt surprised. He looked pretty hungover. I sat donw next to him trying to savor the last few hours we had left. So much for that tho, seeing as he was dead tired. I cringed at the thought of that word. Dead. I shoudl watch my vocabulary.

'Do you want something to eat or drink?' Gabe said walking over so slowly towards me. He barley moved. Its like he didnt want me to notice, to bad, i could tell he was trying. I didnt look at his face because i knew i had to keep that promise i made to myself so i just looked at his feet.

'yes, but i dont want it from you.' i spat. i saw his feet stop. I wondered what his face looked like, then i chased the thought out of my head until i hurt myself from thinking to much.

'Oh, yeah. Well to bad.' He protested and went to my kitchen. I heard him grab a glass out of the cabinet and i heard the tap running. i closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. How could be do this? He was a criminal. He was a kidnapper. I cant take this anymore. I pinched the bridge of my nose with my fore finger and thumb. I was getting a migrain. Thats funny, i never was a person for mirgrain. I shrugged it off, and looked around for Mr.M. i wonder where he could be. I bet he was thinking about what to do with all THREE of us now. I wonder if they would ask for a ransom or rape us or something. I twitched at the thought. I was still a virgin to. That would suck losing it to Mr.M or even...Gabe. I mean I dont want him to rape me! not that id actually have sex with him i mean, psh, im not that shallow. i looked up to the person that tapped my shoulder. DAMNIT. i broke my promise. I looked at Gabes face and my heart skipped a beat. Awman, i knew i was falling for him. But i wouldnt allow it. I darted my eyes across the room and kept them there. I took the water from his hand and drank it thankfully.

'Welcome.' He said. i could feel that he hadnt moved from his previous postion. If i turned around if be face to face with him so i didnt flinch.

'No thanks.' I muttered. 'Gabe? Why the hell are you even doing this? I mean your just going to end up raping me or murdering me, so why give me water?' I said turning around to face him. If i was going to die atleast id have a hot face to look at before i go.

'HAHAHAH. you think im going to do that!?' His voice boomed. It didnt sound like he thought it was funny, he seemed really mad. I flinched and i backed away a little bit.

'Yeah..i mean , uh why else would you uhm..kidnapp me?' i stuttered with so much fear in my voice. It was time. I knew he was going to go over the edge. He was really fuming and he was turning red. i yelped in fear and backed away more. I was going to die, and i was going to be murdered by the guy i liked. My heart hurt. I wonder if hes going to choke me or something.

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