The Stoney Creek Secret #7

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HEY GUYS! well i just wanted to say THANKS FOR ALL THE READS on chp 6! oh and im coming out with a better story. Ill still do this for the people who like but just for others who are getting bored, my new series is called REGGIE. Read to the end of this and youll find out more about REGGIE. but i just wanna say its more of a ROMANTIC SCHOOL type of story, with like populars and geeks and werid love. (: LOOK FORWARD TO UR COMMENTS AND VOTES! LOVE YOU ALL ! <33 oh and there will be a POV change in this CHAP!


I was still in Kyles arms when i felt someone gently tap my shoulder. I knew it was Gabe but i didnt want to see his cute face. I knew he was cute but his personalityy and what he did was awful. I didnt want to face him for i knew i would be sucked into those beautiful eyes of his. I shut my eyes tighter losing tears in the process. I held my hands behind Kyles back so my grip on his was tighter. I never wanted to let go, for if i did i didnt know what THEY had in store for me. I knew it wasnt going to be anywhere near letting me and kyle go, or even one of us. I still cant believe i put kyles life in jeaporady now. I cried some more before i felt a sharp cold familar object being pushed against my back, the last time he stabbeed me. i wondered why it hadnt left a mark, i had remebered it so vividly, but on second thought i never rememberd blood oozing around the place after that. When the knife was out the pain was gone. I slowly let my arms fall, i didnt want to be stabbed again for i could never have proof. I turned around on my heels to see a sad face Gabe looking at me. He truley looked sorry but i knew i couldnt believe him. He was a murderer. Well i didnt know that but i knew he could be, he had kidnapped three people and God knows how many others. I looked at him then plastered a grim experssion on my face. I wanted him to know i was hurt. I would never give into his charms anymore. Gabe, its on.


I watched her walk down the stairs barley walkeing, more like falling. I regreted pushing her already. When she reagained her balance i heard her move away, possibly towards Megan. Good, she was really a smart girl. My thoughts were inturupted my a thud on my head. I looked back to see Kyle, or so she had called him, attepmt to hit me again. He looked pretty weak so i knew i could take him in a few goes. I had him pinned down in thirty seconds and all i got were a few screams. to bad, i really wanted a challenge. Dad had always got me trained in the best of the best. and i had to succeed since what we did was a crutial part of the society. No body realy knew though. Only the Mayor and his trusted assisstant. We had come up with the idea 5 years ago. the Mayor had hired my father from a gang when he was about 45 years old. My dad had thought he waS getting far to old to be a rebel so the Mayor had decided to pick him. He called him into town one day and had a buisness lunch with him. I, being eleven years old was told that my daddy had taken a job as a teacher in Stoney Creek High. I didnt beleive them, i never believed others, i was just raised like that, you know with the Mafia and other enemies of my dad barging in and taking me as hostage. I was once raped. And once i was beaten half to death. I had it reall hard, and even at school people knew my dad so they really stayed away from me. Not that i cared tho, i usually moved schools so fast i never realy had the time to be bothered about friends and what not. When my dad and i moved to Stoney Creek i had begged and pleaded to go to Cinco Ranch because i didnt want to be anywhere near my father and whatever he had gotten himself into. he agreed with me only because he thought i would get in the way, i knew he would never do it for my safety. Once when i was kidnapped by these two men my dad told me a few years later that he had set it al up to see if i was a whimp. He told me i failed because he had to end up getting me. and when i asked him why he even bothered i got beaten. I didnt know why, i never knew why he always came back for me. i liked to think that somewhere in that old mans heart he somewhat cared for me, even if he had to show it in the oddest ways as possible, even if it involved getting my raped, beaten, and what not. I didnt like it, but that was all i could think off. i didnt like to thinkn much about my father when i moved to Cinco Ranch. I didnt have to, i was to wrapped around girls and school and football. When i started at Claront High:Cinco Ranch i was trampled on by girls. And by all thhe guys cause they knew i was a chick magnet. I was the dream boy friend and the dream best friend. i ended up teaming with Marshall Richards, the number one guy before i came around. i tried looking for one girl but i never found her, but then people were starting to overlook me, and i dont think they liked what they say so i started to date several girls at a time. Then people thought of me as a God. i really liked it there but i never felt whole. I was always missing something. Then Nessa's face flashed across my mind. Why did i think of her? Well she was beautiful and she was funny but i had kidnapped her and there was no way in heaven or hell that i would ever get a change with her. Never. Speaking of being her kidnapper, i never knew what my father did until he came over to my place in Cinco Ranch one day all beat up. I asked what had happened and he told me everything. That means his deal with the Mayor to. The Mayor had hired him to pick out people for a genetics testing in Northern Alaska. The Mayor and other people of authorities where told, by the president to pick certain people with special qualities and compatible genes. I didnt understand what this ment until the day after my dad explained. They were going to repopulate the world somehow, they were going to imporve it. But then i wondered if some of the Powers of Authority were not good enough for the next earth, they would have to be terminated, but ofcourse not, they were polititions and they got to do what ever the hell they pleased, that probably why we had to do this repopulation thing because the first time there were to many corrupts in the system. Later on that year my dad had asked me to assist him in his work or else i couldnt move on into the new world. I obviously went because i wanted to have a future not some dead world. I dont know what they planned to do to the earth and how they planned to kill of the rest of the race but i knew it was going to happen soon.

I was walking down the stairs with Kyle behind me. He seemed a little tired. Drunk Fuck. He didnt even realise his sister was gone. I growled at that. Why was i being so protective? i shook my head, to get rid of my thoughts. When i entered the room i saw Nessa exhale as is she'd been expecting worse. She ran to Kyle and hugged him, she saw that i had locked him up with a lock i found on the floor. i suddenly felt bad for doing so, i mean he wasnt going to hurt anyone, right? but it was to late, i had done it. I saw tears escape from her eyes. I couldnt help but feel my heart droop. i was truely sad for her. I cant believe i had made her ccry. this was all my fault. i could have never met herif i never agreed to do this. I could have never met those other hundred people we have napped in the last 4 years. I could have prevented this all by staying in Cinco Ranch with those other girls who would wait in line to spend the night with me. i could have had an easier life but no, i had this. I twitched when i saw her sob uncontrolably. She hugged Kyle again and then she held him tightly. I walked around the room and touched her shoulder. She didnt budge. Then my dad pushed the knife against her. What a bastard. He needed to be nicer, we werent going to kill this people, only take them to a safe place. but not her brother, we would have to 'dipose' of him. After aminute or to Nessa turned around. I didnt know why i was calling her Nessa but it felt better to me. It felt comfortable. When she looked at me she looked at my face then she put on a grim expression on her face. i didnt like that. i could tell she would never forgive me and what i have done to her best friend and brother, and what emotional pain i caused both sets of parents. My heart drooped a little more. I tired to give her a sorry expression but even i knew, sorry didnt even cut it.



oh and btw heres a preview for REGGIE.




UGH MY MOMS BEING A TOTALY BITCH RITE NOW. i fucking hate her. serioslu i was lyin in my bed and then she comes in and sees my computer on my desk and its on but im not using it and shes like TURN THAT THING OFF. DO NOT START THE YEAR LIKE THAT REGENA ADAMS! DO NOT FUCKING START THE YEAR LIKE THAT. i was judt like wgat the hell mom? my mom is so weird she swears ALOT. and has major angermanagemen problems. and yeah im starting eight grade tmro;) i cant wait to see my friends again. its been a prety long summer. i went to rhode island, toronto, montreal, dpain, and then back to chicago. i have family everywhere! ahah. o crap here comes my FEMALE DOG o a mother. im gunna pretend to go to sleep then when she passes out from all the alcohol she has downstairs ill upload my pics i was doing earlyier. SUCK ON THAT MOTHER.

I wrote in my diary and looked at my clock. 11:35. I yawned and thought about tomorrow. I smiled at the fact of of seeing everyone. I grinned and lay back, singing Jump by Flor Rida and Nelly Furtado then slowy but peacfully fell into a deep deep sleep. .


i walked into the school building with my friends. everyone was starring. well DUH. i was the popular gurl of the shool. our school was different tho. we didnt love the cheerleaders coz thy were losers. i was into yearbook student council and boys. so wer my friedns. speakig of boys the Guys came up to us. my boyfriend since last year, Matt, came up to me and planted a kiss right on my lips. (:


WELL THATS IT FOR NOW BUT IF U READ THE FIRST CHAP wich i will upload right after i have posted this one ull FALL IN LOVE JUST LIKE I DID WHEN I CAME UP WITH THE IDEA>

LOVE YOU AWSOME PEOPLE. thanks to my person of the WEEK,, NATORI!

i felt even better when i was writtin this because i knew you like it! ahha.

well yea ill be having people of the week now! so try to be one of thhose LUCKY PEOPL!


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