chapter six.

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Shawn looked between the shocked brown eyed girl and I. "You two know each other?"

Camila inhaled a small breath and silently sent me a look telling me to not let Shawn know how we really knew each other.

I nodded  "We met last night at the club, I accidentally bumped into her and she recognized me from YouTube."

Camila let out a breath of relief and nodded at me, thanking me. I shrugged at her and turned back to Lauren, thoughts swimming through my head. Lauren noticed the dazed look on my face and hopped off the counter. "Um, you guys can have the eggs and bacon, I'm going to take Y/N out for breakfast."

I just nodded and followed Lauren back into the room. Lauren sat down on the bed as I leaned against the wall. "There's clothes in my closet. Just pick something out, I have too many clothes anyway."

Lauren walked over to my closet as I reached into my hoodie and pulled out my phone and clicked on the blue Twitter app, my eyes widening at the first few tweets I saw.

@y/nscutie: is this y/n with lauren from 5h???
@y/njauregui: my ship is aLIVE


Lauren hummed in response and I took a small gulp. "We have a problem."


Lauren sat across from me at the table of the small diner, both our phones buzzing constantly. I sighed and looked down at my phone. "I'll turn mine off if you turn yours off."

Lauren picked up her phone and shut it off immediately. "I thought you'd never ask." Putting her phone back on the table Lauren laid her chin in her hands and shot me a small smile. "What's going through your mind Y/N?"

I leaned back against my seat. "Honestly?" Lauren nodded. "Well first off, I'm freaking the hell out inside because first you randomly come back into my life and we fucked Lauren, we fucking fucked! And then I wake up the next morning surprisingly calm and surprise Camila is dating Shawn, it's bad enough that I can't get last night out of my head when I thought I was over you both and I'm really freaking scared because as they say trouble comes in threes."
I let out a breath and wanted to laugh at Lauren's shocked expression.

Lauren cleared her throat and sat up. "Well Y/N, What if I told you I don't want to get out of your head."

"I'd say, we have a long way before I even consider that Jauregui."

Lauren shot me a grin. "We back on a last name bases YL/N?"

I nodded. "Of course we are, why wouldn't we be?"

Lauren's smile lit up her face. "That's cool."

A/N - this was more of a Lauren/you chapter. sorry for those of you who wanted to see Camila drama not this chapter ;).


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