chapter eleven.

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I'm back ;)

"Justin are you sure this is the best way for me to write a song?" I shook my head at the grinning boy and sighed. "I haven't gotten high since high school."

"Y/N are you hiding anything from me? Because the only thing that happened when you got high is you basically spilled every secret in your heart."

I slept with Lauren.
I basically shunned Camila from my life.
I think I have feelings for Lauren.

"Of course there's nothing I'm hiding from you Jus." Lies.

"So then chill out Skittle, this is just going to mellow you out so you can write."

I threw myself down on the couch and sighed. "Okay whatever, where's Zayn?" His name tasted foreign in my mouth and I frowned slightly.

Justin pointed to his phone where Zayn's contact name showed. Speaking on the phone for a few moments Justin hung up and smiled at me. "C'mon skittle he's outside."

I stood up from the couch and grabbed the white sneakers by the door and made my way out. Getting to the first floor I nodded towards our doorman Robby and walked out and straight into a rock hard body. I closed my eyes in preparation for the impact with the floor and was stopped by a pair of strong tattooed arms and a familiar accent. "Woah there Y/N, I haven't seen you in years no need to suddenly fall for me."

I scoffed and pulled myself out of Zayn's arms and stopped the sarcastic comment threatening to leave my mouth as I trailed my eyes down the boys body. He shot me a smile as I made my way down his body, from the white shirt, to the grey sweats, to the black Nikes that adorned his feet. And I much as I hate to say it Zayn Malik grew up nicely. I was cut from my thoughts by a teasing voice. "Like what you see Y/N?"

I shot my eyes back up to him and smirked as I flipped my hair. "Sure do Malik, especially.." I reached over to to trail my finger on his left forearm tracing the Lotus flower that was inked in his skin. "..this one." I heard a small gulp and looked up into his cloudy brown eyes and stepped back. I heard Justin stifle a laugh and I smiled to myself. I watched at Zayn shook his head and turned towards Justin.

"have the stuff in my car man, I'm heading towards the beach to relax a little bit it's been a stressful couple days, Do you guys need a ride?" I looked at Zayn who was avoiding my eyes and shrugged "if it's not a bother." Zayn gestured to the black jeep that was parked next to us. "Hop in."


Half an hour later the three of us were sat on the beach with a guitar sat in my lap, a pad of paper to my right and two shirtless boys in front of me and let me tell you my eyes were blessed. 

"Okay so the label wants something but still chill on the ears." Justin said as he leaned back on the sand. "But you still want something that relates to you and to your fans in someway."

I dug my toes in the sand and sighed "this shouldn't be this hard."

I heard a shuffle next to me and turned my head as Zayn sat at my side. "You can't write because you're distracted." He took a lighter out of his shorts and lit the blunt in his hand. "Take a fucking puff and chill man."

Justin nodded. "You need it Y/N, maybe it'll mellow you out."

I laughed softly and took the blunt from his hand. "I'm getting this song done."


"Boys I think I've done it." I smirked and put the guitar down and took a look at my notepad and passed it to Justin.

"Y/N this is a picture of a french fry?" Justin chuckled and I smiled. "EXACTLY. Who doesn't like french fries?"

"Your fans that actually want music?" Zayn questioned as I rolled my eyes. Zayn hummed and leaned back on the sand and I snapped my eyes toward him.

"Do that again."

Zayn hummed the same melody again and I copied it from him, humming together lyrics came into my head.

I had an idea in my head
I pictured this going differently
I meant every word that I said
You should have spent more time listening

My mind went back to the day the girls were leaving and my pencil kept moving.

All the things that I put a hold on
All for you to hit me with a "hold on"
What makes you so ready right now
After I waited on you for so long.

Camila coming back, asking to talk about us. Lauren and I in the club. It was all inspiration and I wasn't paying attention.

As I wrote the second verse, still humming Zayn and Justin shared a look.

I had an idea in my head
I pictured this going differently
Even when you sleep in my bed
I know you're not mine officially
And all the things I put a hold on
All for you to hit me with a "hold on"
What makes you so ready right now
After I waited on you for so long.

The bridge came soon after, memories of Camila and Lauren telling me they loved me, just for me to end up crushed in the end. And now they want me back. I snorted quietly to myself and continued to write.

You got your trophies
I know how you like to show 'em off and shine 'em, and line 'em up
I'm not your trophy, baby
I won't let you show me off or shine me, or line me up, no
You got your trophies
I know how you like to show 'em off and shine 'em, and line 'em up
I'm not your trophy, baby
I won't let you show me off or shine me up, or line me up, no

Now I just needed a chorus but I was pretty much done with the song. I clicked the home button on my phone and saw that it was 6:30. Only took me a good hour.

I shook the eraser stuff of the paper and handed it to Justin as I took the blunt back and took a puff. "There's no chorus but that's what I have." Justin quickly read over it and passed it to Zayn as I took another puff.

Zayn took his time analyzing every line and then looked at me. "I Have an idea." I nodded and passed the blunt to Justin. "Shoot."

Zayn took the paper and wrote something down as Justin and I looked on in confusion. About 5 minutes later Zayn passed the paper back and my eyes widened. It was perfect.

Why you wanna be my love, is it just for show?
Why you wanna be my love, my love, my love, love
Why you wanna be my love, is it just for show?
Why you wanna be my love, my love, my love, love
Why you wanna be my love, my love, my love
Why you wanna be my love, my love, my love
Why you wanna be my love, my love, my love
Why you wanna be my love, my love, my love

"Seems like you're feeling exactly the way I'm feeling Malik." I bumped shoulders with him and smiled.

"You're not the only one linking up with old souls Y/L/N." Zayn shot me a smile and got up. "I have to get home soon, I'm having a movie night."

Justin laughed. "Netflix and chill?"

"Shut the hell up and let's go."


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